66. Luca

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I see the two investors out, closing the door. Thank the fucking heavens they're gone. I hate doing work like this.

I walk into the living room, Asher was sitting on the floor with Ashley, building a dollhouse with her.

Bai and Nicolas look at me, "Hello."

"Hi." I walk toward the window, "Ash where's Arabella?" I look out, she's not on the docks.

"Feeding the ducks." He mumbles, then says something in Chinese to Ashley.

"She's not there."

"Is the girl completely useless?" Bai rolls her eyes.

I give her a look, even Nicolas gives her a weird look.

I walk out of the room and walk outside, walking the pathway to the docks.

When i see her laying there, her hand on her shoulder, red between her fingers.

I don't think i've ever sprinted faster.

In a second, i'm dropped down beside her, pushing down on a fucking bullet wound as i look around.

She was awake, her eyes rolling to the back of her head, "Stay with me, princess." I should have fucking got her.

"Asher!" I shout, feeling the vein in my neck pop.

She convulses a little, coughing.

I check her pulse, feeling it raise.

How fucking long was she like this for?

Asher and Nicolas run out, Nicolas shouting for Roman.

Asher drops to his knees, his eyes wide. "Fuck." He lifts her shoulder, "There's no exit wound, need a hospital."

"No fucking shit." I keep the pressure on her shoulder. "Help me lift her,"

Dumb piece of shit. He said he was keeping eyes on her.

He scoops her while i try and keep the pressure as tight as possible. A car drives around the back of the house, Roman in the drivers seat.

We walk her to backs seat of the car, she convulses again, blood pooling from her mouth.

"Fuck." He looks at her, turning and driving faster than i ever think he's drove before.

He literally speeds past everyone, ignoring the sirens that were patrolling the streets and got to the nearest hospital,

"Tell Fallon to treat her." He shouts.

Asher lifts her out of the car, police gathering in.

"Go with her." He says to me.

I'm not going to stand here and defend his ass anyway.

I follow Asher in, seeing she was seen almost immediately anyway.

Four hours went by with no news.

Asher and I didn't say a word to each other, i could tell he was mad at himself for being so fucking stupid and taking his eyes off her.

I was mad at myself for not getting to her sooner or even fucking checking on her when she was scared.

We all could have prevented this.

Roman walks in, his face a little bruised.

"Where is she?"

"Surgery," Asher speaks, his voice raspy and broken. "When did you get out?"

"Ten minutes ago, came from the station." He sits down, rubbing his hands together. "Any news?"

"No." Asher says.

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