Instructor - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"So... you found him then, your father?"

"No, but Jango told me about him. He and I have been working here together for a while." Adaji just nodded slowly and Zaiya continued, "Temuss Fett, he was close to Jango when they were young, though no signs of him lately." She shook her head to clear it, "I'm getting off topic, I need you to keep an eye out for Jango and his son, I can leav--"

"He has a son?! Dank Farrik, I heard rumours but I didn't think it was real!" Treshan scoffed. He drifted into silence for a moment and cleared his throat, "so you want me to look out for your--your family?" he asked, averting his gaze.

"Well yes, there was some trouble a while ago and I need to make sure they're alright," Adaji kept his eyes down but nodded, scratching his chin.

"Yeah... sure thing, kid," he said quietly.

"What do I owe you?"

"What?" he looked up. Zaiya frowned.

"What do I owe you for this? Credits?" Adaji blinked at her and shook his head.

"Don't worry about it," he scoffed, almost sounding annoyed. Perhaps she had caught him at a bad time?

"Well... alright," she replied hesitantly, a slight frown crossed her face.

"I'll make contact again when I find him. Treshan out." and with that the holo cut off. Zaiya frowned. What was up with him? Had one of his girlfriends been bothering him? Maybe his more recent job went poorly? She couldn't say, but tried to shrug off the heartbroken expression he had for a moment. She couldn't dwell now, there was so much to be done.


Zaiya had barely a moment to herself all day, between the call, the training sessions and paperwork it was a wonder she was allowed to even have time to breathe. Who would have thought that being a Republic grunt was so taxing? Now of course she was on her way to meet the Jedi that was to be in charge of training the cadets. Something she supposed would happen eventually but Zaiya was not looking forward to it. She'd heard nothing of the Jedi in question, though she hoped it not to be that Kenobi fellow. Something about him still bothered her.

The door to the office opened and Zaiya strolled in unannounced, the Jedi knew she was coming, after all. She was a little surprised to see a togruta standing there, in loose robes of rich earth and with her back to the door.

"You asked to see me, Master Jedi?" she asked with a neutral tone.

"You are the one called Siren, is that correct?" a pleasant almost motherly voice spoke from the Jedi as she turned, black eyes looked at Zaiya from a red and white face.

"Yes," Zaiya replied.

"I am Jedi Master Shaak Ti of the Jedi Council," she bowed her head in greeting, while Zaiya just gave a short sharp nod. "I understand you have been in charge of overseeing the cadet training alongside the bounty hunter, Jango Fett?"

"Yes," she repeated. The Jedi gestured for her to sit, and Zaiya glanced at the chair provided, taking a seat, one leg propped up as she leaned on her knee.

"How have you found the cadets?" Shaak Ti asked.

"In all honesty, I deal mostly with the ARC Troopers, and those slated to become Soldiers in Command," she clarified.

"But none of these soldiers have been deployed?"

"A great loss to your troops, it seems to me that either the Republic of the Kaminoans trust me little, seeing as Fett vanished after Geonosis," she shrugged.

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