chapter 94

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Sebastian drove the car, whilst Noah called Lucas. They had to check if they were okay.

Lucas picked up on the first ring, he had taken Riley to a cafe, he didn't know where else, it had to be a public place in case their dad had people.
He had tried to take Riley's mind of the events but he was still in shock himself.

He didn't understand why Sebastian let their father do that and he was worried about how hurt Sebastian was.

"Is he okay" Lucas asked not bothering to say hello.

"I'm fine" Sebastian anwsered in a cold tone.

As they were in the car, Noah had decided to connect it to the car so Sebastian could hear.

Lucas was unsure what to say to Sebastian, he didn't want to anger him with questions but he had alot.

"Can Riley hear us" Noah asked.

"No would you like to talk to her, I can give her my phone" Lucas offered although slightly saddened that they didn't want to talk to him.

"No I just don't want her to hear. We are taking father to the warehouse, then we can pick you up on the way back" Noah told him, Riley would only have questions about what the warehouse was.
"Okay well we are at a cafe in town, I'll send you the address" Lucas said, he had been in too much of a hurry to even check their location so he would do that after.

"How is she" Sebastian carefully spoke. Both brothers heard and both could tell how on edge Sebastian was.

Noah saw a look of concern and fear. At a guess he figured Sebastian feared the anwser, he feared her hating him.

Noah couldn't help but think back to the confession Riley made only hours before the event. She apparently hated him.

Noah didn't believe it but he knew devastated Sebastian would be if he knew.

"She's worried, so am I...I just don't get how he could do that" Lucas spoke, his voice cracking slightly.

Noah looked over at Sebastian for any reaction and he hated what he saw, a tear falling down Sebastian's cheek. Sure he had the resting emotionaless face but it was just a mask.

"Lucas I know you're probably confused and you are both worried but we need to go, we are almost there"

"Ok we will see you later"

Once Sebastian parked the car, he told Noah he would wait in it and so Noah got out went to the boot and pulled their father out. He was starting to stir, Noah rolled his eyes and punched him. Knocking him unconscious again.

He dragged him into the building not caring if his father hit the wall a few times.

"Want some help sir"

Noah looked over and saw one of lower ranked men. "Sure"

And so with some help he managed to get him locked up. "I have to go but when he wakes up you will inform me and nobody comes down here, got it" Noah ordered. The man simply nodded, he hadn't had much experience if any with the brothers, he was only low ranked so he would report to his supervisiors, never to the brothers themselves, he had heard the rumors though and he never intended on getting on their bad side.

"Good, after all Dan, there will be consequences if you don't do as I say" Noah warned, using his name to scare him further.

Dan was shocked that Noah knew his name, it meant he knew who he was and that would be dangerous if he didn't comply.

Noah didn't say anything else he just walked out, passing others with an emotionless expression. He had learnt almost everyone's name, it was easy to threaten them that way, he didn't know much else but they thought he did, when he used their names, they always thought he had a full background on them. It wouldn't be hard to acquire as Sebastian had done them, he knew everyone.

"Right it's done, I've had someone inform me when he wakes" Noah said getting back into the car.

Sebastian had been on his phone whilst waiting and when Noah came back he put it away.


Sebastian really didn't want to discuss their father anymore than they had too.

Noah got that and decided to change the topic. "Well it's getting quite late, today has been a crazy day. We can just pick dinner up after we collected the kids" Noah said as he took out his phone to get the address Lucas had sent them.

Noah could tell his mind was preoccupied and it concerned him, he couldn't help but glance at Sebastian's arm.

"Right let's go I know which cafe they are at" Noah quickly said when Sebastian caught him looking.

They drove in silence and not long after they reached the cafe.
They both got out of the car this time and Noah could see how nervous sebastian was.
Sebastian was on edge and definitely nervous. He had been beaten up in front of his siblings, he was suppose to protect them and today they saw how weak he was.

Lucas spotted his brothers first as he was sat facing the door. He didn't wate anytime, he went straight over, for a second he hesitated because he knew Sebastian hated affection but he ignored that and hugged Sebastian anyway. He had been worried sick.

Sebastian was taken back by this but gladly accepted the hug.

Riley had realised Lucas got up so she followed shortly behind.

When Lucas let go, Sebastian looked over at Riley.
"Hi Riley" he was even more nervous.
"Are you ok" Riley asked.
"Yes I'm fine, it was over in seconds he didn't hurt me"

It was a lie. He was hurt, pychologically and physically. In his mind it was okay though because he believed he deserved it.

"Good I'm glad your okay Sebastian"

The tone she used had Noah and Lucas worried that her previous statement about hating Sebastian might actually be partly true.

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