chapter 17

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I was still clung to Lucas when we got back. I was terrified and all I wanted was comfort even if it was from Lucas.
"Riley I have to ask, did he just put it in your mouth or..." Sebastian trailed off once the car was parked.
"Or.." I confirm and his look makes me look away.
"I promise I didn't want it to happen" and I hear Sebastian sigh as Lucas brings me closer. "We know" Sebastian says. It seems to be the end of the conversation because we all get out of the car. "Is it ok if I take you in Riley. Lucas needs to go to the store" he says. "I do?" Lucas asks which Sebastian rolled his eyes too "yes, we don't have any snacks" he said and Lucas reluctantly put me down. "I'll be back Riley" he tells me and I nod. Sebastian passes him a bank card and his car keys. "I expect there to be no scratches on my car" Sebastian says. "Got it" Lucas seemed excited to drive his car.
"Get a test too" Lucas's eyes widened at Sebastians request. "You don't mean" he trailed off, Sebastian just nodded "yes, he raped her so he could easily have" I noticed they avoided what the test was for. I figured it was for me. What if I fail?

After Lucas left we went inside, it was definitely weird between us, after I said he was like Kevin, everything changed. "Shouldn't she be at school" Noah said when we entered the kitchen. "clearly she's not" Sebastian practically dismissed him, then he turned to me "what would you like for lunch" I really didn't know so I shrugged "anything". Noah was still annoyed with me, Sebastian started looking in the cupboards but Noah he shot me a glare "you are spoiling her again, she needs to be eating what's given to her" at Noah's comment, Sebastian turned "she said anything though" but Noah shrugged "your still allowing her a choice"  which Sebastian glared too but then his facial expression changed to neutral. "I suppose next you will have me take away all her choices, maybe I should pick her friends, her classes, how about I pick her clothes too" his voice was dripping with sarcasm, so much so that I sniggered at his words.

"Did I just hear a laugh Riley. I'm pretty sure I didn't authorize that" he said with a smirk. "Maybe you could authorize it for the future" I ask and he nods "I'll allow it" it was hard not to laugh at Noah's annoyance. Sebastian turned back around and got back to making lunch. "You're probably not going to like it when Lucas shows up" I mutter. It seems both of them heard, Sebastian chuckled "don't get him started again" but it was to late "why are the kids not at school Sebastian" he asked. Sebastian ignored him and carried on cooking.

Just as he set the food in the table, Lucas walked holding a bag. "I got the snacks" he exclaimed and Noahs annoyed expression doubled. "Are you seriously rewarding their behaviour right now. They have both been acting out and your solution is snacks" he practically shouted. Sebastian set out a plate for Lucas. "I mean when you put it that way, I don't think snacks are enough" he said and this time both Lucas and I sniggered "you're being completely irresponsible" Noah was pissed now but it didn't effect Sebastian.  "Maybe your right, I need to be responsible, no horror movies. I know you love them Lucas but I don't think they would be appropriate for Riley"

Noah gave up at this point and walked out. "Just ignore his behaviour, he's just got alot on his mind" Sebastian said before we all ate lunch. There was a small conversation but nothing too serious. We were avoiding what just happened, I wished we could just forget about it but we couldn't. Soon we were finished but it wasn't quiet for too long
"Lucas can you go take the snacks to the living room"
Lucas looked between me and Sebastian and nodded before grabbing the snacks and leaving.
I could already tell where this conversation was going.
He reached out but I flinched and fell back, he waisted no time grabbing my arm and pulling me back .
"Riley, what he did to you, you know it was wrong right" he starts.
I knew it was wrong but part of me still believed I deserved it. I silently nod and wait for him to continue. "It should not have ever happened" he stated sadly. "If not me, then it would be someone else" I tell him although he didn't look pleased.
"It shouldn't have happened, not to you  or anyone.  Please can you tell me everything that happened"
And so I reluctantly did. There was no use hiding anything, I had no doubt that if he wanted to he could find out within minutes without me telling him. So I started from the beggining about how I refused to wear the shorts, how he hit me when I gave him the letter, how he followed me after I left his office, how he raped me in a storage room and the lunch detention. I only briefly spoke about the rape but his anger increased so much. "May I ask why you didn't tell me the other day about the rape or why you didn't tell me about the shorts" he asked, it was obvious he was forcing himself to stay calm. "You were angry, I wanted to do my chores and get it over with as soon as possible. As for him raping me , he threatened to do it to others. I couldn't let that happen" I tell him. He doesn't say anything at first, he simply pulls me into a hug."I'm sorry you felt you couldn't come to me. I want you to know that you are just as important as others. No one deserves it and that no one does include you" he told me and I hugged him tighter as tears fell down my cheeks.

"you can come to me for anything, no matter the time, whether it's day or night. I'm  here for you'"

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