chapter 75

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"no way" Lucas said as he looked out of the window.
"Explains the lack of a suit" Riley mumbled , Lucas burst out laughing at her comment.
"What happened" Noah asked turning around.
"Oh it doesn't matter to much, as if you brought us here" Lucas quickly dismissed Noah, he was still shocked that his brothers had actually taken them to an amusement park.

Sebastian parked the car in one of the available spots, he had been focused on finding a car space so he hadn't been paying attention.
"So do you like" he asked the two of them.
"Yes" Riley and Lucas said at the same time.
"Good. So now you know where we are, I just want to set out a few ground rules" Sebastian said, he noticed the nervous almost fearful look from Riley so he quickly continued.
"Nothing bad I promise" he directed that towards Riley.
"Obviously we are in a very busy area, so Riley as you are just a child, I would like it if you stuck with at least one of the three of us, now both of you I don't want either of you going out of the park, Lucas if you decide to go off please do tell one of us. It is a family day so we will be together most of the time but there will be a few things that you might want to do that some of don't so we can sort that out. And Riley because of your age and height there will be a few rides you won't be able to go on" Sebastian explained.

Once they were inside, Noah grabbed a map and they decided what they wanted to do.
"So Lucas will pick first, then Riley, turn me and Sebastian" Noah said, he knew Riley wouldn't feel comfortable picking first and this was new to Sebastian so he wouldn't know either.

They started to walk to what Lucas wanted and Riley who was next to Sebastian, reached out and held his hand.
"You ok" Sebastian whispered.
"Yeah" she replied, she was feeling a little anxious with the amount of people not that she would tell her brothers but with Sebastian by her side, Riley didn't feel as nervous.

The day passed on, Lucas had started with a roller coaster, Riley chose a smaller rollercoaster, Noah with swings, and Sebastian chose a drop tower to start with.

"Let's go on the log flumes Riley" Lucas declared as he spotted them.
Sebastian assessed them, although they seemed harmless he did worry about the water in Riley's face. "Will you be okay" he couldn't help ask. Riley looked at them, it didn't seem bad, it was just a bit of water.
"Ok"  she was determined not to let her past get to her.
"Noah and I will wait here for you" Sebastian said, he then looked over to Lucas and with one look, Lucas knew he would be in some serious trouble if Riley was hurt.
"Great let's go" Lucas said and Riley reluctantly followed.

"Will she be ok" Noah asked.
"Yes" Sebastian didn't even believe himself, he just hoped so.

Lucas and Riley walked up the steps and once they reached the top after queing, it was their turn.
The ride attendants got them in, Lucas could tell Riley was nervous, especially when she had to lean back against him. The workers went through the safety and  then finally they were off.
Riley had a  tight grip on the handle and Lucas had one on the side handle and one around Riley.

The water splashed more than she thought it would and it hit her at full force.

Luckily it was only a few seconds and she recovered out of the thoughts that threatened to come up.

"So fun" Lucas muttered.

Riley personally didn't see the appeal but didn't comment.

Once they had done, they met their brothers at the bottom where they were waiting.
Sebastian looked like he was about to have a heart attack and Noah was simply taking pictures.
"She's fine, see shes still in one piece"   Lucas said once they were all back together.

"Well while you two were gone, we decided on the route we will take and we can stop and get lunch when we reach the food area" Noah said.

So the four of them went on plenty more rides and eventually sat down to eat, after that Lucas wanted to go on a rollercoaster but Riley wasn't talk enough so Sebastian stayed behind and Noah went with Lucas.

"What would you like to do" Sebastian asked Riley.
"Maybe we can just walk for a bit, I need a break from rides" Riley told him.

So they walked around, Sebastian noticed Riley had looked at a few carnival game booths when they past it earlier so he took her over.
"Want to play" he asked and he couldn't help but smile when her face lit up "can we really, I won't be any good but it looks like fun"
"Of course Riley, now you have the hoop toss, beanbag toss, the shooting gallery and hook a duck"
"well maybe the beanbag one" Riley decided.
So they both played, Riley didn't hit a single bottle with the beanbag but Sebastian had them all knocked down in seconds, he used a stronger throw because he was wary it might have been stuck down.
The man behind the booth looked suprised and Sebastian just smirked. "Pick a prize Riley" he said and Riley picked a giant panda stuffed toy.
"That was amazing, how are you so good at it" Riley asked.
"I have good aim" he told her.
"Can we play the shooting one"
Sebastian was hesitant but nodded.

He watched for a moment how she held the gun, she had a decent hold on it. She only broke one plate though, she needed 8 to win. He was still very impressed. Sebastian had a turn after, he held the gun and shot.
8 rounds and all 8 hit the centre of 8 plates causing them to smash, he did it quick and without much thought.

"No one likes a show off"

Riley and Sebastian turned round to Lucas and Noah who had just got from the rollercoaster.

"My turn" Lucas said.

When he did have a go he only got 3 plates.

And Noah only got 5.

"Bet you couldn't do it at the fastest setting" Lucas asked, he was slightly defeated by the lack of plates he shot.

Sebastian nodded "what would you like to bet" 
Lucas wasn't expecting this so he didn't have a anwser.
"You could bet both your cars" Riley suggested and Sebastian looked down at her with a suprised expression. He didn't expect that from her.

"Deal" Lucas said, he wanted to drive Sebastian's car so bad but Sebastian wouldn't let him.

"Very well, I win, you lose your car for a week, I don't win and you get my car for a week" Sebastian was confident enough in himself to win.

And so the worker placed the plates on that hardest setting, the plates moved back and fourth and sideways at an abnormal speed.

Sebastian didn't seem fazed by this, instead he shot 8 times again and they all hit the plates.
He placed the toy gun back in the holder and they were given the prizes for the 2 games.

"At least now you know not to bet again me" Sebastian said with a smirk.

The rest of the day they spent on a few more rides. Soon it was time to go home as the park was closing.

"Did you have fun today" Noah asked them
"So much fun, thank you" Riley anwsered.
"Yes I had a good time too thanks" Lucas said.
"We are glad" Sebastian told them.

As Sebastian drove out the parking, Riley couldn't help but tease Lucas "just think you could have been driving this now" Lucas rolled his eyes at the comment "instead sat in the back of it for the week"

Sebastian and Noah had heard and were amused.
"I still will  one day" Lucas was so sure of himself that it almost hurt Sebastian to knock him down
Key word almost.
"Oh please, the closest you are getting to the front seat of my car is the backseat'

Ok so this chapter isn't the best so I apologize for that. I also intended to make it longer but decided to do it in 2 halves.

I will be trying to write the second half soon but it might be a while.
Wrote this chapter yesterday/this morning but since then shit has happened and I don't know how long it will take me to feel like writing again. I will definitely try to update soon as I don't want to put this book in hold however there might be a slightly longer wait.

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