chapter 19

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I was beyond relieved when the tests came back that Riley didn't have anything or was pregnant. I just wanted to spend time with her, I was worried about her mental stability.

Noah came in and he was annoyed with me because I was watching a film with our siblings.
His tone was starting to piss me off.
How dare he tell me what to do.
"I suggest you don't use that tone with me" I say cutting him off.
"Oh you don't like my tone. Well I wouldn't have to use this tone but you are not exactly taking control" he shouted.
"You better shut the fuck up. I am in charge here. You listen to me, not order me around. You do not talk to me like that"  my tone darkened with each word. I was not happy at all.
"Ok dad"
His words struck a nerve. I wasn't like our father. If I was I'd have beaten Noah black and blue by now.
"If you feel the need to compare me to our father, I might as well start acting like him"
I don't wait for his reply, instead I walk out. I see Lucas and Riley  trying to act normal which makes me smirk. "It's rude to listen in" I comment as I head to the stairs, not bothering to give them consequences.
I also didn't want Riley to see this side of me, I was angry and wasn't going to scare her further.


I shuddered after hearing Sebastian suggest he would act like their-our father. Lucas noticed "he wouldn't, don't worry" however seconds later Sebastian walked out, he noticed us but suprisingly didn't bother instead he just made a short comment about it being rude to listen in. "Do you think he's ok" I ask as we watch him go upstairs. "Yeah he will be okay, few broken punch bags and he will be fine" Lucas reassured and I couldn't help but feel relieved.
Noah came out looking pissed off.
"What are you two doing" Noah wasn't going to ignore is like Sebastian unfortunately.
"Just talking to each other" Lucas said.
"Ok. Do you want to tell me the truth now"  Noah replied and rolled his eyes. I couldn't help back away. At the beggining Noah was the least scariest but now he was the most.
Would he hurt me too
Would he hit me
Would he be like Kevin
No. Sebastian was scary when angry just like Kevin but he wasn't like Kevin, neither was Noah. And scary Sebastian was scarier than Noah.

But what if ....

I saw how nervous Riley looked in front of Noah and I hated knowing she once looked at me the same way, probably worse.  She looked deep in thought, I dread to imagine what she was thinking off, her breathing quickened and I began to panic.
"Sebastian get down here now" I shout knowing he would hear, he hears everything.
Sebastian came down with bloody hands, obviously he had been punching his punch bag. He took one look at Riley and his annoyed expression turned into concern and worry. "What happened" he asked as he rushed to her side. "What the fuck did you both do to her" he didn't wait for either of us to anwser. He just picked her up and carried her upstairs. As he walked he tried to call her but she wouldn't. I looked over at Noah and saw he was also watching in concern.

"I didn't even do anything" Noah muttered but I just him a glare "you scared her" I told him and walked off.

I didn't do anything, maybe that's what concerned me the most. I scared her just by my presence. I hated how Sebastian had started to neglect his work, it meant I had to step in. I  had to be at those stupid meetings, I had to organise the shipments, deal with out enemies and I wasn't cut out for it. I wanted to be the nice guy but I was frustrated and I wanted balance back.


I placed her on her bed, her panic attack had worsened and I wasn't sure how to bring her back. She wasn't responding to me and my fear only got worse.
"5 things you can see Riley" I ask but she doesn't reply. "Follow my breathing pattern" I say and start to breath in slowly and then out again.
She slowly complies and after a few minutes she looks at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry Sebastian" I don't even think twice, and bring her into a hug. I hold her tightly not wanting her to feel anymore pain. I knew that wasn't possible, it was going to be a long journey but I was ready for it. "Ssshh Riley it's okay, you're okay. No one is ever going to hurt you again" I tell her already planning on killing anyone who even so much as looked at her in a way she wasn't comfortable.
No body hurts her.
And if for some miracle they do, then I was ready to kill them.

I stayed in Sebastians arms not wanting to leave them. I cried into his chest, feeling all my negative emotions at once hurt. He never let go and despite his no nonsense attitude, I felt safe, safer than I'd ever felt before.

I couldn't help the yawn escape and he looked down at me in concern "you should take a nap" I didn't want to upset him by disagreeing so I nodded, I just knew no matter how tired I was my sleep would only have nightmares.

I saw Sebastian's reluctancy when he put me on the bed . "You have been through alot Riley, don't ever hesitate to come find me or the others if you need something. We all love you and nothing is going to change that" his words made me smile and I some how ended up drifting off to sleep.

So it's shorter than usual but that's mainly because it's almost 5am and I should be asleep 😂😂

Which brother do you all think Riley should be closest too?

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