chapter 53

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Sebastian turned serious within minutes as he walked to the principals office. He got their within minutes and his smirk dropped, his face was expressionless and he wasn't about to show a single emotion, he always made an exception for anger, he enjoyed it when people saw he was angry with them. They feared him and he loved to see them ask for mercy.
He never gave it though,he was ruthless in his day job almost as much as his illegal job.

"Come in Mr Adams" the principal said, he was already nervous after taking one look at Sebastian.
But he had to do his job and that's why he intended to kick Lucas out.

Lucas was sat in the room already, he also held a serious expression however it wasnt at all deadly.
"Let's skip to the point where you tell me what you want to do with Lucas" Sebastian said, he didn't like it when people weren't straight forward with him.
"Well as you know he was high at school and he's been caught fighting multiple times. His grades have improved but he's still failing 3 classes"  the principal explained.
"Did you catch him with drugs on him? Did you see him take them?" Sebastian knew he was high at school but he also knew as long as he didn't deny that he would be okay.
"No but it was obvious he was high, I informed you about how he started a fight"
"A fight yes, his attitude and behaviour yes. But there is quite a big difference from starting a fight to being high"
"Ok fine then we are expelling him for fighting"
Sebastian wasn't happy with this,he looked over at Lucas who looked misrable which made him more determined.

Say what you want about Sebastian but he would fight for his family until his last breath.

"Not good enough, a fight doesn't warrent expelling a student"

"He's a bad student, he was high and I'm expelling him, it doesn't matter what you say"

Sebastian wasn't used to people argueing with him and that got him pissed. He wasn't about to let the principal win. It had turned into something alot bigger.

"My brother might be a bad student but I wonder what skeletons are hiding in your closet" Sebastian said menacingly.
"None, I'm clean"  the principal said.

Sebastian chuckled, it was sinical making Lucas gulped, he knew the principal was done for.

"Lucas why don't you wait outside" Sebastian said with a murderous glare directed at the principal.
Lucas had questioned and argued with Sebastian in the past but he was always well aware what a bad idea it was and since they were finally on good terms and he didn't ruin that. He also knew that if it was any else other than him, Noah or Riley, Sebastian would have killed them in such a painful way that they would have been begging to be killed 

He quickly and quietly left, he did debate calling for an ambulance as he left but he decided against it, Sebastian wouldn't cause any damage to him, at least not until they were off school property.

"Now tell me again why I should let you expell my brother" Sebastian asked.

"Because he has bad grades, he is starting fights and we know he was high"

"And you employed a rapist I wonder how the school board would react when they found out"
Sebastian said it in such a emotionless voice it sent shivers down the principals spine.

Sebastian may have spoke with no emotion but he was fuming.
If he could he would move both Lucas and Riley to another school but Lucas didn't have long left and Riley had made friends, he didn't want to make her leave.
He had asked her and she wanted to stay.

" can't do that"

"Really? Can I not do that" Sebastian said.

The principal gulped "no, I mean I let you take care of it. I've not seen him in ages, I'll just bring you down with me"

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