chapter 45

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This chapter takes place at the same time as the last...
So whilst Sebastian and Lucas are out

Riley hadn't spoken to Noah throughout breakfast. Sebastian and Lucas left soon after and that's when she knew she would have to talk eventually.

She couldn't forgive Lucas for what he had said but he didn't deserve to be hit.
Lucas had been awful recently, from telling Noah about the gym teacher to insulting Sebastian, she was glad they were spending time together and she knew Sebastian would forgive Lucas but she couldn't.

Noah regretted hitting Lucas, he had never done it before, only in the gym which didn't count as that was expected. He hated how he felt after but then the darker side of him felt Lucas deserved it. He had been a dick about everything recently and Sebastian was hurt by the comments made.

"So what do you want to do today" Noah asked Riley, he hated how he had acted with Riley too. One minute he was nice the next he was being unnecessarily strict.
"Don't you need to work" Riley asked.
"No we are spending time together" Noah said.
Riley was sceptical, Noah was always calm, it's not like he would hit her straight away, he would think about it before he did.
Noah lost patience, he knew that Riley was being off with him because of how he hurt Lucas but it wasn't exactly his fault.
Lucas's behaviour was terrible and his final comment had made Noah snap.
"Seriously Riley are you going to stay like this forever. I get it, what I did was wrong but don't forget you slapped Lucas too"
Riley remembered, she remembered the lecture from Sebastian about being the bigger person.
But the realisation dawned on her as Noah finished his words.
She was just as bad as Noah.
She lashed out.
It was wrong of her to act so coldly with Noah.
"I'm sorry" she whispered. It was the breaking point and she understood why Noah did it.
"It's just the fact you hurt him, you're usually the one who thinks everything out" she tried to explain why it effected her so much.
"I wasn't thinking Riley, he made a comment and that was it" Noah hoped Riley would realise he was sorry.
"It started like this" Riley whispered as she couldn't help but think of Kevin.
"What did" Noah causiously asked.
"When Kevin first started" she couldn't bare to continue her words.
Noah was well aware that Kevin had probably come to mind but hearing it out loud hurt. He didn't say anything to start, instead he pulled her into his arms and held her.
"I am not ever going to hurt you. Im not Kevin, Sebastian isn't Kevin, Lucas isn't Kevin" Noah comforted her, including their brothers so her mind didn't wander to the them.
"He never stopped, no matter how much I told him too"  Riley broke down and held Noah tighter. Noah tensed, he wanted nothing more than to kill Kevin but he would be a good soldier and follow Sebastian's orders at least for now.
"It hurt so bad" she mumbled her mind wondered to all the pain he caused.
"I know, but you're safe now. I won't let anyone hurt you. You are safe" Noah comforted her.
"But isn't the social worker suppose to be visiting, what if she takes me back? What if I get put with someone worse them Kevin? What if it's Kevin's friends?" Riley started to spiral and Noah couldn't help but tighten his hold.
"No one is taking you from us" he stated firmly.
Sebastian was usually the one to deal with this stuff as he was the legal guardian to all of them, not so much to Noah now but he had been and he knew Sebastian would go to any lengths necessary but in that moment Noah realized he would go to extreme lengths if he had too.

"Riley you are not going anywhere" Noah said as he thought more about her words he couldn't help but think of Kevin's friends, did they hurt her too?
"What did Kevin's friends do" Noah asked carefully.
"They hurt me" Riley was vague, she didn't want to tell him how but she knew she needed to say something.
A sinister grin made its way onto Noah's face, thankfully Riley didn't see because they were still hugging and her face was buried into his chest now.
Kevin's friends weren't in prison.
How easy it would be to go after them.

"I'm sorry Noah" Riley pulled away after a few moments of silence with the two of them hugging.
"For what" Noah asked.
"For acting like this, I shouldn't have broke down" she tried to explain and it broke Noah. How could she think like this. He couldn't get Kevin just yet but he was definitely going after his friends.
"Riley you can break down in front of me anytime you want. It's better to express your emotions than hide them"  Noah told her.
"Thank you" Riley whispered and she didn't even hesitate to hug him.
Noah didn't hesitate either, he was angry with everyone who had hurt her but he wasn't going to let it show.

"Can we make cookies" Riley asked after a minute or so. Noah looked down at Riley who had the most adorable expression on her face. How could he say no to her.
"Only if they are chocolate chip" he said which made Riley grin. "Yes I can't wait to taste them"

And just like that the two of them began to make cookies, Noah knew how to make them, mum had taught him when he was really  young, he suspected that was why Riley wanted to make them. He was only 6 when their mum left with Riley and as they made cookies he couldn't help but think more about their mum.
She was the kindest women he knew, she protected them but their father was set in his ways, he was just going to turn Riley into a monster so their mum had left and as looked down at Riley who was explaining how to make cookies, he felt grateful.

Thank god mum took her away.

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