Mostly Hermitcraft Drabbles

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      Taking inspiration from SwoopyMC, I've decided to make a goal wheel! This was #5, write three drabbles! Also, my files kept not letting me download another meme, so have a picture of my cat.


Within Reach (HEX):

      Warmth flooded my body, hot breath tickled my neck in soft huffs. Even though the nether was normally a blisteringly hot place, somehow this heat was comforting, cozy even. I felt something stir in front me, sighing slightly before nuzzling it's way deeper into my chest.

       I hadn't felt this way in a very long time, not since.... Maybe even never. If you had told me even a month ago that I'd been where I am now, I would probably have laughed in your face. This idea had seemed so far away. So far out of reach.

His Fault (Xisuma angst):

      A sharp pain bloomed within his sinking stomach. How could he have let this happen? This was all his fault... Every bit of pain that his brother had went through, every slash, every memory. All. His. Fault. 

      He cried out in pain as the guilt took over once more, dropping to the ground. He hadn't deserved that. It was all his fault, not his brother's. His. He had been the one to push him away, to make him do all that.

      Another wave of pain hit him. And this time, he didn't scream. He just let the pain take him.

Run Little Rabbit (Guess the story):

      Run rabbit... Run rabbit... Run. Run. Run~ :) The little girl smiled as she skipped around the halls, singing that cursed song, giggling. Run rabbit, run rabbit. Run. Run Run~. She repeated. Her voice rang through the golden hallways.

      Run rabbit, run rabbit. Run. Run. Runnnn.

      Suddenly, she stopped singing, the smile on her face growing into an evil grin. There you are, my little rabbit! Stepping close to one of the many vases that lined the hallways, she shoved it to the side, revealing her pray. Why would you run away? We're going to have so much fun together!


      Don't worry, I have some actual content planned, I've got some GEX fluff I need to write as well as another part of Another, HCCYOA and Flashback but whatever- Anyways, eat some water, drink some food and as always:

      Ladies, gentlemen, theydies and gentletheys, have a FAEtastic day! -Faerie

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