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"Siah you have to get past all the hurt and betrayal that was done to you to be your best self

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"Siah you have to get past all the hurt and betrayal that was done to you to be your best self."

"Siah, come on." She heard her mother yell from downstairs.

"Coming." Siah muttered as she fixed her edges into the swoop she usually did.

Getting downstairs she sees her mother dressed in her casual Sunday dress, Siah hadn't been in attendance of church since got back.

Nazan and Nolan were dressed alike standing next to each other, as her father fixed his suit in the mirror.

"Aww baby you look so pretty." She says walking up to her looking at the braids that were freshly done in her head.

"I wished you'd wear your natural hair more often." She said making Siah's face scrunch up.

Siah hated her natural hair because it something that was always picked on when she was in middle school so when she moved she started wearing weave, her natural hair would be out for 2 days before she threw some braids right back in her head that was her go to style.

"When we get to church, no falling asleep on my shoulder slobbing, I don't wanna hear y'all grandma mouth later, at dinner." She says sternly picking up the keys to the family car.

They finally make their way towards the car after getting some snacks and candy to eat in church.

When they pull up to the church, Siah hadn't been here in years and she could see the change in the church than it used to be.

She wondered if the the kids she used to pray with in bible study still attend this church or if the she had the same pastor. A lot could change in 3 years.

"Praise the good lord." The pastor praised loudly doing a lil jump as sweat ran down his face.

Her mother quickly ushers them into middle row of church next to her grandmother, "Aye baby pass me them chips." She heard her father ask as he reached for his wife's purse.

Selah popped her son's lap, giving him a stern look as he received the chips.

"Do we have any visitors in here with us today?" He asked looking around receiving some hands that were raised.

As church nearly ended, people who were serving went around collecting offerings, "Ma, give me 5 dollars." Nolan said tapping on their mother's shoulder as she put 20 in the basket.

She narrowed her eyes at him before reaching into her wallet and slapping 5 dollars in his hand, "You gon' put some gas in my car too , I'm taxing." She says before he can even reply she turns back around.


"Not her in a dress." She heard a deep voice say, turning around seeing Elias dressed in a suit with a fresh fade with chalk lining his forehead.

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