A Big Test

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(You horny gits. You did it... bet you won't do it again. Also, I'm sorry this took a while to come out.)

3rd person pov

Pyrrh: What are you doing here?

The mute just took a moment to start at Pyrrh, not exactly the type to answer questions which made the redhead open his mouth for a moment with a raised finger only to shut it and lower his head.

Blake: He's most likely looking for Y/N too. Pretty sure he's been stalking us since we left that town.

This was just met with a hesitant nod, wanting to reclaim some kind of feeling from before Beacon fell and the two had their falling out, so he hoped Y/N would be the key to his desperation.

Still, leaning that Neo had just been following them worried the three a little. If they only noticed someone had been when they revealed themselves, then how would they fair if someone with nefarious purposes did then it wouldn't end well.

Ilia: If you have been, then did you see who took Y/N?

Once again he nodded, only seeing the mask and sword although it was clear enough that he knew it wasn't White Fang, especially given the kidnappers semblance wasn't anything the White Fang had at their disposal.

He then raised his hand, stopping them from talking as he wrote down down he wanted to communicate, needing a moment or two before turning his scroll towards them so they could read it.

Pyrrh: ...Do you know where they'd be staying right now?

Raven: Of course

Sat in his cell Y/N stared at the Bandit Chief in disbelief, his gaze slowly wondering past them and towards Vernal who was stretching a little. Soon enough it went back to Raven though.

Y/N: Why would I even agree to do it?

Raven: Because you don't have a choice in the matter. If you win, you can join me, if you lose... Well, surely someone wants to pay your ransom eventually

Y/N: I'm not fighting her!

This was met with him being grabbed by the collar through the bats, yanking him forward and being pressed against them. Despite Raven's previous offer, they still needed to show no one should back talk.

Raven: Let me repeat myself one last time, or I'll beat you myself. You don't have a choice in the matter

After a moment or two he sighed reluctantly and just nodded. He'd put up a fight but just let himself lose, there's no way he would seriously consider joining someone as nuts as Raven.

Soon enough someone came over and unlocked his cell, pulling Y/N to his feet by the collar and dragging him over to the makeshift arena. Getting shoved in he caught himself, now stood across from Vernal.

Raven: Another thing. If I see you throwing on purpose, I'll kill you!

The teen paused briefly and looked over to where Raven's choice was coming from only to get socked across the face by Vernal, followed up by a boot to the stomach which made him double over. Well, this certainly changed things.


As things ramped up, a group of four started to sneak out towards where a potential Branwen Tribe camp would be, the Tribe most sticking within the same area for up to a month before leaving and setting up camp elsewhere.

Thankfully it wasn't too many miles away from where Y/N was originally taken given that Raven needed to get there first before being able to make a portal back to the camp.

Getting up to a vantage point they took turns looking towards the encampment, seeing the outer gate was mostly set up with trees that had been cut down and rammed into the ground, with two guards out front.

Pyrrh: You see anything?

Ilia: A few people, yeah. Can't see how many are inside... if we came back later tonight, I could sneak in

The faunas slipped down and looked to the others, only spotting two this time which made him pause, his mouth hanging open a little as he had originally planned to speak, but now... Well, they were a person short.

Ilia: Where'd Neo go?

This was swiftly answered when the vertically challenged male returned, dragging the two guards along with him. Letting them go he dusted off his hands, gesturing to tie them to a tree.

He then used his Semblance, focusing for a moment before both his and Ilia's appearances changed and were clad in the same kind of clothes the bandits were, his own hair changing colour to not stand out so much.

Blake: You want to go in there?

Ilia: Well... guess it makes sense, we're the most adept at stealth. Shouldn't be too long

Giving a little wave Neo walked off and took Ilia along with him, the two heading over to the camp leaving both Blake and Pyrrh to just be stuck there, making sure the guards stayed restrained and quiet.

As they slipped into the camp they saw a crowd gathered around a makeshift arena, letting out a chorus of winces and cheers when something happened on the inside, the two splitting up to search for Y/N.

Ilia headed over to the cages which were just as makeshift, seeing evidence that someone had been inside although it was currently empty which worried him. Had they been too late, was Y/N already sent off or maybe even worse?

On the other hand, Neo had gone over to investigate the cage fight and slipped into the crowd, his smaller frame allowing this while keeping him from making too much contact with those around him.

Just as he got close though people began to disperse as one went inside, their hair a long black with piercing red eyes. Inside was two people, a woman with real short black hair and tan skin, and Y/N.

Neo's eyes widened briefly, seeing the teen standing over the battered woman, although it was clear he was barely managing to keep himself standing on his own two feet.

Raven: Well would you look at that, you did have it in you

Y/N: I... I'm calling it a draw. Only g-got up before her...

Starting to fall the Bandit Chief caught him with their arm, the teen equally as battered if not more given all his previous fights, although he managed to over come Vernal of all people.

Raven: Welcome to the family, Y/N Branwen...

(Lemme know what you think)

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