A Risky Move

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3rd person pov

Pyrrh: I'm glad things were able to work out

Y/N sat beside the redhead and nodded, with Beacon still falling however those who perpetrated it were still caught, and not too many people were injured by the attack thankfully.

The teen looked over to Pyrrh who was beginning to lean on him making Y/N smile a bit and do it too, just staring at a blank wall. Neither of them needed entertainment, they were just happy to be with eachother.

Y/N: ...Why aren't we doing anything?

Pyrrh: Because you're not creative enough to think of how a room would be decorated in your dreams

Pausing for a moment upon hearing that he turned towards Pyrrh only to find he was gone, the weight against him disappearing. That was until a boot was placed on his chest, forcing him down.

The bed beneath him snapped in two, with the floorboards following suit causing Y/N to fall onto the floor below him, with everything crumbling and burning, a sense of panic setting in.

Above him a large figure loomed, being faceless apart from the White Fang mask which hid most their defining features, now freezing in place he found himself unable able to move.

The figure drew a red sword from their sheathe, raising it above their head before quickly thrusting it down at the teen who just shut his eyes in anticipation. When it struck his eyes opened and reality set in.

He was in a plain motel with a ceiling fan, the low hum of an old radiator and the crackling quiet from a Radio that sat on the desk beside him. Letting out a breath he slowly say up, jolting in pain only to groan through his teeth.

Ilia: About time you woke up

Turning his head Y/N took a second to focus his still sleepy gaze on the Faunas, spotting a razor in his hand as well as a bowl of warm water and a towel resting over his thigh.

Y/N: ...You shaved me

Ilia: I told you it looked terrible

Y/N: It didn't have time to grow into something proper

Ilia: If I had to look at that bum fluff any longer I would've yanked it out with my hands

The teen raised a hand and touched along the underside of his jaw, feeling along his face before letting out a reluctant sigh and grabbing at the desk, trying to get some painkillers but he found the packet was empty.

Y/N: At least you did good at it... are we out?

Ilia: Not many supplies come to this town, especially after Beacon

Grabbing his leg Y/N moved it manually and hung it over the side of the bed, able to move the other by himself. He began to take in steady breaths, still trying to wake up after all.

He watched as Ilia took the shaving stuff and went into the bathroom with it to pour the water down the sink. Rubbing his head the teen now stared at his lap tiredly, letting out a faint yawn.

With his free hand he turned the radio up a bit and started to look for a channel that could tell him anything about the news. It took a bit, with most frequencies just filled with static but he eventually found one.

Radio: -Ousing efforts. In other news the White Fang's former leader, Ghira Belladonna, has come out with a statement condemning the current groups actions in the Beacon invasion. Of course if he still has involvement with the terroist organisation is still being speculated on

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