Back and Forth

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(Bet you fuckers didn't expect Cardin to be one of the regular guys turned into femboys, albeit he's more like a Tomboy then a regular girl. Even better though)

3rd person pov

Coming back to the dorm room rather late Y/N dragged his feet and slowly lowered himself onto his bed, using his hands to support himself before letting out a breath and attempting to relax.

However this was interrupted by Neo suddenly popping up behind him and wrapping his arms around Y/N's neck loosely. This was met with him tiredly shrugging him off.

Y/N: Not today... I'm tired

This reaction was nothing like what the mute expected from Y/N. Normally he'd freak out even just a bit, but this, this wasn't fun for him. Who was taking all the fun away from this?

Mercury: You alright man? You're alot more docile

Y/N: Been studying with someone who offered to help, but it's been taking all my energy

He laid down, not even bothering to take off his uniform and placed his pillow over his head to block out any light and sound in order to hide out the world so it's be easier to fall asleep.

Even Emerald was faintly taken aback, although it seemed like a nice change to him to have the teen be more quiet. This caused what some could considering considering be worry to pop up in Neo though.

Emerald: Guess your little friend isn't in the mood to play, huh?

When the next day came around he started to follow Y/N after class. The teen seemed to be looking around cautiously before trying to walk off quickly only to be interrupted by a certain red head.

Standing there, with his hair tied in a braid that loosely hung over his shoulder, Pyrrh took a moment as the teen looked at him in confusion but impatience, wanting to get somewhere, or away from here.

Pyrrh: Are you... okay? You've been hanging around with team CRDL alot

Y/N: What does that matter?

Pyrrh: I know I'm in no place to tell you who you should keep as company, but they just seem to be using you.

Y/N: You've got the wrong impression of them, but why should I listen to you?

Pyrrh: I'm just trying to be kind! Jeez, be a jerk then

Upon seeing the red head walk off Neo knew who to turn his attention towards but decided to continue to discreetly follow the source of his fun to find out what he exactly does with CRDL.

In an attempt to try and get away Y/N started to speed walk but the back of his collar was grabbed by someone around the corner and he was dragged towards him, a dull look on his face as he knew who it was.

Waiting for a second Neo listened to hear a few pairs of footsteps retreating before moving up and peaking down the hall. To his displeasure they'd somehow disappear, irking the mute.

And so he began to search, not actually knowing where team CRDL's dorm was as he wasn't bothered enough to remember. The halls were packed with students, most going back to their dorm rooms but none were the ones he wanted to find.

Travelling through the crowds he slipped past everyone masterfully, not bumping into anyone in the process while most just felt a slight breeze pass them but couldn't seem him due to his short stature.


Y/N: Why do I have to put so much effort into this?

Cardi: Because it won't feel good if you're too gentle

Femboy RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now