A Change In Emotions

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3rd person pov

Pyrrh: You mentioned I had the wrong idea about Cardi. What did you mean by that?

Y/N: Well... he is a bit standoffish, and rough- b-but he's a good guy, he means we'll at times

Pyrrh: Still, I'm not exactly a fan of his bigotry

Y/N: ...Yeah

Lowering his head as they walked together the teen rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, not really used to doing stuff like this, especially in a time where he's just so confused.

The red head turned his gaze towards Y/N and took a deep breath, able to tell he was more distracted with other things. His hand began to rise a bit before pointing off in a direction, catching the other's attention.

Pyrrh: Do you want to check out over there? Smells nice, right?

Y/N: Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Guess we could get something to eat

Pyrrh: I'm sure there'll be somewhere with food we both enjoy


Pyrrh: I can't believe there's nowhere with food we both enjoy

The teen stood there awkwardly, his tastes in food being rather... simple compared to the Red head. Noticing the look on hid classmates face Pyrrh composed himself before approaching him.

Y/N: ...Why did you invite me out?

Pyrrh: Hm? To get to know you better

Y/N: You could've just asked if we could study or whatever. This makes it weird

Now it was Pyrrh's time and be confused although he kept his gaze on Y/N who rubbed his arm. He breathed in deeply, trying to find a way to tell him this only to let out a weary chuckle.

Y/N: Y-You made me think this was a date or something

This seemed like the wrong thing to say as the red head froze, not saying anything as their eyes slowly met, trying to see if either of them were going to react or at least give some indication of communication.

Being the one to break their stare Pyrrh turned his head to the side and started to fiddle with his hair, some of it having fallen over his shoulder, so he just twirled it with a conflicted look.

Y/N: ...Was it?

Pyrrh: I don't know how to approach someone to be friends.

Y/N: Really? Seems like your a natural at it

Pyrrh: Thanks... to be honest, I have no clue what I wanted this to be. But I'm guessing you don't like guys, so a date's not an option

Standing there while conflict ran through Y/N's mind he noticed Pyrrh's expression which caused the conflict to only grow, but why? It'd be easy to say he wasn't and just completely shut down that idea, even if it wasn't... entirely true.

Once again, in Y/N's ever busy mind stood the command centre of his mind with all the different emotions, feelings and body parts no longer in unison, now really split in many teams.

Denial: It's our job to keep him on the right path!

Gay Thoughts: We can't just do that to Pyrrh though. He's such a sweet guy

Straight Thoughts: That's the problem! He's a guy

Gay Thoughts: As if he hated being kissed by Neo, face it. I'm in charge now

This arguement continued until one figure approach the "control console" and pressed a button causing everyone to look over, with the figure turning, a meek look on his face.

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