An Emotional Meeting

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3rd Person Pov

Y/N: It's time to kick gum and chew ass, and I'm all outta ass

The teen stood up and rushed right up Cinder who was caught off guard, knocking him down to the ground he grabbed onto her face and began to suck her powers from her, a smirk on his face.

After a moment or two he stood back up as fire left his palms and Pyrrh dropped to his knees, hugging onto his waist while both Blake and Ilia began to praise him, with Cinder now out of commission.

Pyrrh: Oh Y/N, you saved us! I love you

Y/N: Enough lip. Gimme some sugar, baby

As he leaned in everything suddenly snapped back to normal, feeling himself being dragged along the ground he took a moment, barely seeing what was going on as his head throbbed in pain.

The teen tried to get up but was dragged further back, stopping any attempt at that only for a burst of flames to come barrelling towards him, his eyes widening in fear.

Thankfully it came no closer as Pyrrh had gotten in the way, using his javelin he slashed downwards, using the pressure given from it to thankfully be able to stop it in place.

Y/N: P-Pyrrh?

Cinder: There's no more running, rat!

Pyrrh: Go!

Glass from the shattered window swirled thanks to Cinder's semblance, all shooting towards Pyrrh who did his best to block them all however one or two got through, slashing at his sides.

With a quick pull Y/N found himself outside and on his back. Staring right up at the ceiling he saw two more go inside to try and help the redhead, showing not really too sure what exactly was happening.

Unfortunately for them a crowd had started to gather, originally thinking there was a fire however with the sounds of conflict coming from in the safe house they knew exactly what was happening.

He slowly sat himself up, fire rising up out the open window and travelling skyward as the side of the building was stained black. Only able to hear his heart beating in his ears the teen managed to get himself to his feet, putting more weight on one then the other.

Looking around shakily he spotted a dust crystal or two that had fallen out of Blake's bag, usually used for his weapon. Reaching down and grabbing it he took a deep breath and limped his way back inside.

Y/N: Cinder! Come and get me!

The redhead turned his head for a moment, seeing the person he came here to save putting himself in danger intentionally which was admittedly really infuriating. Sadly for them, Cinder accepted the offer and her flames rushed towards him.

As this happened he tossed one of the crystals right at him, the Maiden slashing it in two as Blake used the sash on his sword, using it to pull Y/N out of the way and onto his side.

Cinder: Is that all you could muster? A measly crys-

Swiftly realising what happened she tried to ignite the flames around her. However enough heat had been placed on the now unstable crystal pieces and they exploded under him, a high electrical current coursing through her body.

Before anyone could sat anything they got out of there, with Pyrrh simply getting Y/N in a fireman's carry. They knew it wouldn't hold for long, but it only needed to immobilise her for a bit.

The crowd watched as they retreated, with Ilia ushering them along through the shortcuts and alleys he had familiarised himself with, the small group not stopping until they knew they were safe for a moment.

Femboy RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin