Turbulent Goings

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(Sorry I made you all wait for this one. I've been extremely busy, so I did what I could but I'm still bust atm.)

3rd person pov

Hearing off the "achievement" team Rwby had pulled off a few people were confused at how they managed to come to this information, and others were doubtful, believing it to be just a stunt to gain favor with the Headmaster.

To find out the truth Y/N was going to ask Blake but upon remembering what he discovered about him it didn't seem like such a good idea anymore, causing him to just leave it for the time being.

That was until class came along and he sat around with his team, doing his best not to fall asleep while Port seemed to go on with another one and his stories, never seeming to actually learn something in this class.

Spotting Blake a few rows down he was tempted to but didn't make an attempt to contact him, instead just sitting up and rubbing his eyes, trying to wipe the sleep out of it.

Pyrrh: Hey... Y/N...

Hearing the hushed call he turned his gaze up only to scoot around in his seat to face Pyrrh a bit better, wondering what he wanted although Neo watched, not all to happy with this.

Y/N: What's up?

Pyrrh: What exactly did you... say to Blake?

Y/N: Just some stuff. It doesn't matter

Pyrrh: It does. He was really hurt by it, but wouldn't say what

Y/N: They're just words, maybe he should grow some thicker skin

Upon hearing this Pyrrh slapped him around the back of the head making the teen jolt and hold where he was hit, the red head clearly not appreciating his comment nor his tone.

However as the slap rang out Port looked over to see Y/N with his back turned to the teacher, looking to Pyrrh while holding the back of his head causing the teacher to clear his throat loudly.

Port: Mr. L/N, am I boring you?

Y/N: Wha- uh, no sir. Sorry

Port: I should think so


As the classes ended and people began to head back, Neo was essentially glaring holes into the back of Pyrrh's head, ready to scramble if he needed to even if it sabotaged the plan a bit.

The teams began to seperate and head back to the dorms but then as Neo looked for Y/N he found him nowhere causing the Mute to stand still and look around, trying to figure out here he went.

With the teen he was being dragged away by Blake and Pyrrh, the other having joined them just now. Seeing the two he rolled his eyes a bit and was taken somewhere quieter and more private to have a conversation.

Pulling his hand back from them he stopped in place causing the two to look at him as Y/N gently rubbed his wrist, taking a step or two away from them as Blake looked away briefly.

Pyrrh: Apologise to him

Y/N: About what, my opinion?

Pyrrh: It's misguided. Blake's a good person

Y/N: I'm not doubt that he is- that you are, Blake. But not everyone can like eachother

Blake: Over one small, fringe group of extremists. They don't represent us!

Rolling his eyes a bit at this Y/N was quickly met with another slap like before, however it was across his face this time making him pause before rubbing his cheek, looking back to see Blake holding his hand out.

Blake: We are people, just like you! And we deserve the same amount of respect as anyone else!

Y/N: I'm not saying you don't, but I just don't like faunas!

Blake: Why? What have they done to you?

Y/N: N-Nothing, just with the White Fang and all...

Pyrrh: I'm sorry, but that's not true and you know it

Y/N: What does it matter? If you want to keep bugging me about this, then I don't want to bother with you two

He turned to leave as Neo turned up, listening to the whole thing. The mute held his hand out and took Y/N's in his own, bringing the teen with him as the other two just stood there.

The Faunas leaned back against the wall and buried his face in his hands while Pyrrh looked ahead, conflicted. If Y/N continued to feel like this, then he'd have one less person interested in him, but Blake would continued to be hurt by his words.

With the other two Y/N glanced down at his feet while they walked, Neo not really noticing as he let go of his hand and instead gently linked their arms together which caught the teen's attention at the feeling.

Looking over in confusion he began to take his arm back only to have Neo wrap his tighter around the his. Once again Y/N tried to take his arm back but the mute's other hand shot into Y/N's side, his fingers digging into his waist making him gasp and wince.

His eyes stayed on Neo as he was even more confused although certainly in pain, his knees beginning to buckle as the squeezing got tighter. This only reinforced one point, Neo was in charge of their "relationship."

Once they were finally back at the dorm Y/N was released from the death grip he breathed in deeply and held his side, lokking to Neo with concern before going to get changed.

When he tried to do that the mute snuck up behind him and slipped his hands around to the front of the teen, letting them slip down and begin to pull down his pants making him yelp and pull his hands away.

Turning around to face Neo he had his back against his dresser with his own hands pulling his pants back up, trying to say something in response while just being stared at like he was an idiot.

Y/N: Th-There's no way I'm ready for something even remotely close to that

In response the mute rolled his eyes causing Y/N to pause and go to say something only to realise something like this just happened, however he was on the other side of the conversation.

Y/N: No, don't roll your eyes. You be like that, and I'm reconsidering this like... thing we have

This clearly didn't go down well with Neo who stepped forward, his hand swiftly grabbing at and squeezing Y/N's crotch making him let out a quiet sound as his body essentially folded and began to lower to the ground.

All the while he had a silent, cold stare directed at him, the grip getting tighter before he tried to get something out to tell Neo to stop, or more like squeak out a desperate plea.

Y/N: J... Joking, joking!

Emerald: Do you wanna... do something to help?

Mercury: I like having my bits intact

Emerald: ...Me too

(Lemme know what you think)

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