Long Way Home

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(Upon writing this the book is just shy of 100k. Let's hope I can upload before that. If not, then thank you and i'm sorry for being lazy. It'll be shorter then usual since I need to get this out)

3rd person pov

Ilia: How's the leg?

Y/N: I'll live, thankfully. Or sadly, depending on who asks

Ilia: Oh such a shame, I was hoping I'd have to drag you everywhere

The teen rolled his eyes a little at this and kept on walking, albeit at a slower pace then the others. He had yet to speak to Pyrrh about their little... thing yesterday, although he never found the right time or place.

Pyrrh and Blake were ahead of them, still having a bit to go before reaching the docks they got off at so there was really no helping the journey as they had no forms of transport.

The road ahead seemed endless though, just mud, grass and trees as visual stimulation. The teen let out a quiet breath before standing up straight, trying to just get on with it.

After a moment the two faunas went ahead only to slow down a bit causing Pyrrh to slow down too, "unintentionally" letting Y/N catch up meaning the two were close to eachother now.

This was clearly preplanned and the both of them knew it, although neither really looked to eachother for more then a passing moment, both of them at a loss for what to actually say.

"Sorry for blowing up at you like that?" "Sorry for not believing you're capable of defending yourself?" All these words floated in their heads, and yet none actually came out.

After all, how could they? Their relationship was odd as best, with one knowing who they were while the other was still discovering, questioning and just trying to better themself instead of being sure what they actually wanted.

It's not like things were better at the front of the group anyway. They'd come up with this, sure, but when it came to the topic of talking to eachother about eachother, it just made things awkward.

One left the White Fang out of fear for his safety plus the direction the group had gone, and the other stayed out of fear for his safety as they had no other given the other's decision.

Y/N: S... So

Being the one to finally say something meant everyone's attention was drawn to him briefly, the sets of eyes landing on the teen made any words disappear as he slowly just lowered his head.

Given he was now just trying to ignore their gazes, which made him focus on them even more ironically, Y/N found himself taking a step too far with his bad leg causing him to trip.

Thankfully Pyrrh stepped in out of instinct and caught him, the two closer now then they had been in the past day or two. They just looked to eachother for a moment, neither saying a word.

Pyrrh: D-Do you think you can stand on your own?

Y/N: I dunno. Haven't moved this much in a while

Helping him to his feet Pyrrh watched anxiously, slowly pulling his arms away as Y/N stood on his own two feet. However when he went to walk he crumpled a bit, the redhead being there to catch him again.

With how he fell, Y/N was lower then Pyrrh now, he found himself no longer being held but embraced almost. This feeling of familiarity put him at ease a little, with the two faunas going ahead a bit to give them some time together.

Pyrrh: It's okay... take all the time you need

Y/N: ...Sorry

Pyrrh: I don't mind

Y/N: No, about uh, y'know. The other night

Having finally said it the teen didn't feel a wave of relief washing over his like he'd hoped, instead now scared as to what he'd get as a response. Sorry wasn't enough, but he didn't know where to start.

On the other hand, Pyrrh was now trying to figure out what this really ment. Did he mean it, was he just saying sorry to lessen tensions? After a short moment he slowly began to set them down.

Once on the ground Y/N looked confused, turning his head towards where Ilia and Blake went off to only to have it turned back over towards the redhead, clearly wanting to settle this now.

Pyrrh: Me too

Y/N: I-Is that all you had to say? After all this?

He gestured to them and what they just did causing Pyrrh to sigh softly only to lean forward, pushing his head against Y/N's chest which made his heart's pace quicken a little.

Pyrrh: Jerk. Let me finish

This caused him to go silent, about to say sorry again although he figured it was probably best if he didn't. Now just looking to Pyrrh he watched as his ex raised his head slowly.

Pyrrh: I'm going to start throwing excuses at the wall about why I said what I said... let me know when one of them sticks

Y/N: R... Really?

Pyrrh: No! I was trying to make things less awkward

Y/N: Why not just be honest?

Pyrrh: Because I've never felt like anyone like this before! Then you get taken because I couldn't save you, and y-you got hurt even more. I thought if you could just... settle instead of being a Huntsman, I could keep you safe better when we got back

Now silent once again they sat there, Pyrrh staring at his lap as Y/N rubbed his arms, thinking of how to respond to this. It seemed they were both terrible at expressing how they felt in heated moments.

Y/N: How could you protect me if you're off saving other people?

Pyrrh: Huh? Oh, I, um... can I start over? I-I mean, can we start over?

Y/N: Couldn't. No way I could forget what we'd done beforehand...

Pyrrh: So what then? We're not in the right environment to start dating again

Slowly the redhead climbed to his feet while helping Y/N up too, letting him lean against himself for support. Soon enough they began to walk again so they could catch up with their faunas companions.

Still not being able to figure out an answer, either of them, an audible sigh left Pyrrh. This caught Y/N's attention but he didn't pry, although this was the wrong move as the sigh was ment to draw attention.

Pyrrh: If you could be a Huntsman again, would you?

Y/N: ...I don't know. Wasn't even a full one in the first place

Pyrrh: They might look for you again though. So how about you stick with us when we get back?

Y/N: Do I have any other options?

Pyrrh: None that i'm giving you

Y/N: Very funny

(Lemme know what you think)

Femboy RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें