The Magic Night (Lemon)

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(Ik alotta you want a lemon, and I'm weak to peer pressure so sod it. For those of you who don't want want read it, there'll be a marker for when it starts. Please don't expect anything amazing.)

Mercury: So, big guy. Ready for your dance?

Y/N: E-Eh, I mean... no? I don't know how to dance, I can barely run straight

Emerald: Don't exactly seem straight either

Mercury: Says the one who's sick. You're just jealous

Glancing over to the green haired male they just looked over his form, being half under the sheets with a box of tissues next to his bed and a wet flannel on his forehead, having "come down" with something.

Emerald: I'm pissed! I rented a suit and now I can't even-

He began to cough and cut himself off as Y/N slowly scoot over to the door, hoping he didn't catch whatever Emerald had. Mercury began to leave with him while the greenette calmed down.

Y/N: I'll take pictures for you... oh, there was this thing on your scroll i-

Emerald: Just leave already, or I'll hit you!

Y/N: Leaving!

Stepping out the dorm he started to walk down the hall, placing a hand on his chest he took a deep breath inwards with the other male trailing behind him. The other unsick member of their team decided not to go, having disappeared earlier in the day.

While they travelled towards the hall the teen tried to calm himself down, more nervous then he felt like he should be. Noticing this Mercury caught up with him and pat Y/N on the back.

This caught his attention making him look over only for Mercury to have slipped around his back, now being on the other side of him where he repeated the process and got the same result.

Mercury: Don't be too stressed about it. We have a mission next week anyway, be stressed about that

Y/N: ...You're really good at talking about nothing helpful

Mercury: It's a gift

This did illicit a slight laugh from the teen who just hung his head while shaking it, soon crossing his arms loosely as his suit had no pockets apart from one breast pocket, which was currentlying occupied by a handkerchief.

The two continued to walk, a bit calmer now until finally arriving just outside the hall, with music playing from the inside. Gripping on tightly to parts of his suit Y/N stared at the doors with anxiety starting starting build in his chest.

However Mercury just placed his hand on the teen's back and helped walk him along towards the door, using his free hand to push it open causing them to be suddenly blasted by the loud music, and louder crowds of people.

To guys like them, they couldn't really appreciate any of the work that went into making the hall look the way it did, however one of the organisers from a certain team seemed to be constantly fixing things.

Standing there for a moment he dragged his hands free from his suit, trying to not do anything to alleviate "stress" as he knew it would just end up with him doing it throughout the night.

Mercury: Remember, you're not here to impress everyone around you, so don't worry about them

Y/N: Th-Thanks... you're right

As he spoke he turned to where he heard Mercury talking only for the male to disappear from sight causing the teen to look around in confusion, wondering how he was able to do that.

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