Many Many More

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(Sorry this took long)

3rd person pov

Lying asleep in his bed Y/N was thankfully quiet as his teammates just looked down to the new addition, rather unsure of what to do with him, given if he found out about their plans, it'd all be over.

The duo looked over to Neo with a knowing look on their faces causing the Mute to roll his eyes before hunching over a bit after nodding. As they went to get changed he turned his gaze down to the sleeping teen.

Sitting down on the edge of his bed he poked Y/N's cheek slightly causing his face to scrunch up slightly but soon it settled. The mute realised that he could probably have a bit of fun with this, when putting this in conjunction with Y/N's actions last night.

A few minutes later the teen began to wake, confused by the weight on his lap which was moving a bit. Slowly his eyes opened and he saw a blurry Neo who seemed to be bouncing up and down, which coincided with the shifting weight.

Fearing the worst he quickly scrambled out from under Neo, falling off his bed making him groan softly. As he rubbed his head he looked up to see the mute who was on his knees, supporting himself with his hands.

Y/N: Wh-What were you doing!?

Raising an eyebrow the mute began to push down on the mattress before realising his weight, making him bounce thanks to how springy the beds were. The teen let out a sigh of relief and placed a hand on his chest, attempting to calm down.

Slowly a shadow over took him after hearing the springs in the bed shift, so his eyes travelled upwards very hesitantly. Over him was Neo, with his hands on his hips but he had closed legs, exposing a bit of a gap.

Y/N: Just... go change, or something

Sticking his tongue out at Y/N he walked off to the corner where his bed was in order to get changed. As that happened, the teen buried his hands in his face and let out a tired sigh, soon wiping the sleep from his eyes.

The door to the bathroom opened and Mercury stepped out, his gaze travelling down to Y/N who was just sat on the floor causing him to squat down, his arms resting on his knees.

Mercury: You finally decided to wake up?

Y/N: It-It was Neo, he was doing weird stuff

Mercury: That's him alright. Still, you should've woken up earlier. Class is in ten minutes

His eyes widened so he quickly scrambled to his feet and started to dig around in his dresser to find his uniform while a dressed Emerald came out and just looked over to the teen who seemed to be panicking a bit.

Leaning closer to his teammate the green haired male went to say something but instead kept quiet, rather enjoying sering the teen desperately trying to find his clothes among his disorganised dresser.

Eventually Neo joined in with the other two and just stood there, all watching in a mix of amusement and curiosity of how someone could have such a hard time finding their clothes.

Emerald: How much you do you want to bet he doesn't get dressed within the next five minutes?

Mercury: I say he finds his tie in two minutes

Emerald: What about you, Neo?

The mute stood there for a moment before holding up four fingers and gesturing to his blazer before they nodded and leaned back, just watching Y/N struggle to get all his stuff.


While they sat in class, listening to Professor Port's lecture about Grimm, Neo counted his Lien with the other two crossing their arms, salty about loosing the bet.

Femboy RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz