A Disastrous Invasion

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3rd person pov

Y/N: I already told you once before. I just went to the bathroom

Pyrrh: And you didn't use the one in your dorm room for... what reason?

Y/N: Because it was clogged, I wasn't doing anything else

The redhead just crossed his arms as he looked to Y/N, not believing his story, believing he went off wondering after being told to stay here and rest. However Y/N just turned his head away from him.

Y/N: Shouldn't you be preparing for your match anyway?

Pyrrh: That's tomorrow

Y/N: Still, you're up against Ying aren't you? He'll punch you, and I think you need to come up with a good strategy against being punched

Pyrrh: I just won't get punched. His attacks are short ranged

Y/N: ...Your genius bewilders me sometimes

This elicited a slight chuckle from Pyrrh before he sat beside Y/N on the bed, his arm wrapping around him where he pulled him closer, forcing his head to rest on his shoulder gently causing the teen to pause.

Feeling fingers start running through his hair in a calming motion he slowly began to settle back down while the redhead looked to him with a soft smile, soon turning the teen's head to make them look to eachother.

He leaned down and placed a quick kiss on Y/N's lips only to hear an explosion on the nearby T.V causing Y/N to look over in curiosity, swearing he left the news running but that's when his eyes widened in shock.

Pyrrh: ...What is it?

Y/N: It... I-It's being attacked

The redhead following his gaze, seeing what could only be described as an attack. The barrier defending the Vytal stadium had been destroyed, and Bullheads were landing in the centre of the arena, between two currently fighting students.

Out came White Fang who aimed their weapons at the students, although before anything else could be seen the broadcast was shut off which made Pyrrh climb to his feet quickly.

Pyrrh: I'm going to go help. You stay safe, got it?

He just continued to sit there in shock, having a hard time believing it was happening so he moved over to the window and looked outside, seeing a few airships hovering outside the stadium.

When Y/N turned around the redhead was gone leaving him all alone in the room, still trying to figure how this could even be allowed to happen. The broadcast came back on though, with something equally as bad now being shown.

Everything seemed to be making no sound to the teen as he watched a live broadcast of Grimm rushing past a safe border and beginning to rush towards Vale, the negative emotions from everyone in the stadium drawing them closer.

Despite a news corresponder clearly taking he couldn't hear anything, his ears ringing loudly enough that he practically went deaf. Seeing those white masks once again drew him back to a headspace where he felt he couldn't come back from.

He slowly began to get up but the discomfort from the cast around his foot brought brought back somewhat causing him to sit down and lift his leg, starting starting remove the cast, needing to cut some of it away.

Getting free he put pressure on his foot which made him grit his teeth roughly so he took some painkillers as slipped his shoes on, not willing to just sit there as people needed help down in Vale.

While yes it did hurt to walk like this he was soon swept up as all those students who decided to remain in their dorms started to head out as well, not being Huntsmen although they had the ability the help.

Femboy RWBY x Male Reader [COMPLETED]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora