Chapter 2

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(So I decided to update every Thursday and Sunday. Special thanks to @justApooh for beta reading.)


I walked back to Caera after my talk with Seris. What she said surprised me. To learn who Agrona is, I had never expected that Alacrya was ruled by a tyrant and the fact he is an asura. To think such a being exists, but I shouldn't think about him right now. Seris said he mainly stays in the Balisck mountains.

To think that Sylvie was Agrona's daughter, it's a shame that she doesn't know more. She also promised that she'll convince Caera's parents to take care of me, which didn't surprise me since I have a ton of potential. She also asked me to help Caera in her training, I happily agreed since she's already helped me out a lot.

She offered me a new life here and in return I would help her in the future. I told her about my abilities so it makes sense, but what could she want with me?

I brushed it off and returned to Caera. "So what did Scythe Seris say to you?" Caera asked, worry was evident on her face. "She said she'll try and convince your parents to let me stay with you. She also said that I'll be joining you in your training."

Caera practically squealed in excitement before running up to Seris to confirm it. "Is he telling the truth? Please say yes!"

"Yes he is. Although Grey, if its secrets that caused your friends to hate you then you should probably reveal everything you're comfortable with right now," Seris said to me, Caera was I was disturbed and ran up to me.

Caera grabbed my hands. "I know you have a deep secret so I'm not going to ask, but I promise you I won't see you differently if you ever decided to tell me. "

I was slightly taken aback by her words so I gave a genuine smile as an answer. "Now then, let's get you two home. "


I sat at the table with lunch prepared for when Caera returned from her two week training with Seris. Since she had to survive in the wild I was sure she would appreciate the fancy food. Then one of the maids walked in. "Mr. Denoir, Scythe Seris wishes to speak to you,"

"Alright, I'll go meet her now," I replied as I got up. "Did something happen to Caera? Did her blood finally manifest?" I thought as I entered the room. Sitting there was Scythe Seris, Caera and an auburn haired boy I didn't recognize. "What is it that you wish to speak to me about Scythe Seris. " I asked politely, making sure not to annoy her.

"It's about this boy here, I wish for you to watch over him. He is very powerful and I can guarantee that he will be of great help to you in the future. He also befriended young Caera here and has improved her swordsmanship tremendously since they met during my test," Seris replied, almost as if she was flaunting him as her new toy.

"For a young boy who looks no more than twelve years of age is spoken this highly by a Scythe. It's a good thing Caera befriended him then, I could also get them to marry if they develop feelings for each other." I pondered. I thought about how this boy could further our blood in the future.

"I agree, I will gladly take care of him for you," I responded. Then Scythe Seris came up to me and whispered into my ear. "If you can take care of him then, even if Caera does not manifest her Vritra blood your blood will not lose its position."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, "How important is this boy? Who is he and where did he come from?" I couldn't come up with any scenario that would explain this situation. Seris then left leaving the three of us in the room. "Well, I have a lunch prepared, while I was not expecting another person I'm sure we can prepare something." I needed to take care of this boy, if what Scythe Seris said is true then he'll be a huge help to our house.

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