"Then in that case I'm having an army haircut," Renjun sunbaenim said before asking a staff member to cut his hair shorter than what he wanted all for Mulan. No way... he's so sweet and thoughtful. It made me think that maybe he and Mulan are really close for him to do this because of her.

"Dude, are you serious about this?" I heard another guy asking, his accent made me realize that he might be Mark sunbaenim. The latter didn't answer the question given to him, instead he just looked at himself in front of the mirror.

"I'm so angry right now that I'm itching to buy this whole salon because one stylist made my cousin cry," Chenle muttered under his mask, and one guy who was a bit taller than him asked him what was even stopping him from buying this whole salon. And the next that happened just shocked all of us.

"What do you mean someone just bought it a while ago?" Chenle sunbaenim asked through the phone, and despite being angry, he was still calm but his furrowed brow made us aware that he was serious and was really worried about his cousin. I gave Mulan a tight squeeze on her arm as we waited for Chenle's call to end.

"You... Mulan, you talked to me about Hanbyul, right? Aren't you Hanbyul Kim? Did you just buy this store?" Chenle asked me with eyes wide open after he said the news he heard from the other line. Eh? What? How can I even buy this store when all my money is inside the bank and is being managed by my older brother? There's no way I'll be able to handle my own money since I'm only 17 years old. The only way I can use them is with the help of Hyunjae, who's no other than my older brother who runs our family business.

"No! I have no money for that." Lie. I do have the money for that, but still, there's no way I could have bought this salon. Suddenly, my phone rang and when I saw who the caller was, I knew I was in deep trouble.

'I don't know what you want with that salon, but I still bought it in case you want me to, next time please be specific with your messages, hm? I don't have all day to figure out what it means. And you do know that I can buy you a better one, right? Is that the salon you really want, or do you just want to waste some money?' said Hyunjae in the other line, his voice was serious and a bit cold but was still composed. I pressed both my lips together as I listened to him. No fucking way! Why did he buy this? I just want him to find out who the stylist was so we can report or do something about her for not doing a good job.

"No. I'm not wasting money, and I don't even like the idea that I just used some of our father's money. But thanks. And also thanks for telling the CEO that you're not going to continue your deal. Goodbye and have a nice day... brother." I ended the call after I said that, not wanting to talk to him more since I knew we don't have any other things to talk about like in the past. I sighed before facing the people around me.

"Guess I own this salon now." I muttered before shaking my head, still in disbelief of what just happened. I heard someone whistling, making me face that person.

"Great. Another Chenle. I wish I was as rich as you, guys." The guy who was wearing a leather jacket told us, I assumed he was Haechan because of the moles around his face and his beautiful honey skin. He looks really pretty in person, so I had to stop myself from fangirling.

Chenle sunbaenim called the manager, and I did my best to wear my most blank face and told the manager to fire the stylist who did a bad job in doing Mulan's hair. She was confused at first, but I just told her that my brother just bought this salon so technically he owns this but it's bought with my money so I also own this.

When our members came, the chaos was already settled, but of course they noticed the change in Mulan's hairstyle. I grimaced when Nari immediately went to her to ask why she cut her hair short.

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