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Wayne stood in front of Nyla's hospital bed and kept his head down as he whispered.

"We lost the baby."

Nyla bottom lip quivered as she fell back on the bed gripping the covers tightly.


Nyla licked her dry lips and shook her head.

"Why? Why does bad things keep happening to me?! I tried so hard-

Tears fell down Nyla's eyes as she ran her hand over her stomach. Even though her baby wasn't old enough to make any sudden body movements from the late night cravings, vomiting, and other pregnancy symptoms she knew the baby was there. Now, a sort of quiet emptiness filled her stomach as no signs of pregnancy showed.

"I'm tired Wayne." Nyla sniffled. "Can you please get out."

"Are you sure? I can stay if you want! I'll make sure th-

"Wayne. Please just give me a moment to myself."

"Alright... let me know if you know anything."

Wayne left the room with a balled fist as he closed the door behind him.

"Luna Greea!"

Wayne busted through Greea's medical ward with eyes of fury.

"What have you done?! My unborn child and wife are nearing their death beds and you sit here sleeping?!"

Greea didn't say anything as she watched the man almost lunged at her angrily.

"I did accordingly to the rules of the challenge."

"The rules FORBADE the attack on the unborn children!"

Greea snapped at him as she ran her fingers through her sleeping son's hair."Still she knew what to expect when she accepted it! It was clearly out of my hands!"

"Actually, the challenge was already over before you made your attack on Beta Female Nyla. You knew this and still disobeyed the rules anyway." Beta Female Robyn said as she walked into the room. "And we told the both of you if one of you disobeyed the rules there will be consequences."

Greea scoffed. "I don't have to listen to a Beta Female."

"But you do have to listen to your mother."

Luna Gabby walked into the room and coldly gazed at her bedridden daughter.

"You will only be Luna in name. Yorell and your unborn child will hold no claims to the LockHart Pack and their Alpha lineage."

Greea stared at her mother horrified. "YOU CAN'T DO THIS! THEY ARE YOUR GRANDCHILDREN!"

"That was raised poorly in your hands! The Niles family doesn't have a daughter like you."

Greea stared blankly at her father who walked through the door and burst into a fit of laughter.

"A daughter like me?! But a "father" and a "mother" like you is so much better!"

She stared at them scornfully. "The sins you've done doesn't even compare to mines. Isn't that right?"

Luna Gabby's eyes burn with anger. "GREEA!"

Greea felt a stinging pain to her cheek as her father slapped her. Greea looked up at him with anger.

"I'm your daughter. So what does that make you?"

Alpha Niles didn't say anything and left the room along with Luna Gabby and Beta Female Tullip.

"Why, are you still here?"

the true meaning of being a beta Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant