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The next month passed by smoothly. Nothing much happened besides Nyla continuing doing her therapy session, working, and spending time with her group. Nyla was supporting Lilith who was nearly a month pregnant. Lilith said when she told Johnathan he was estatic saying he wouldn't let her do anything by herself. Nyla of course was happy for her best friend but sighed as she thought about her own situation.

"Hey what's wrong?"

Nyla looked up to see Carson staring at her concerned. Nyla then remembered she's in the medical office. Carson is checking her bruises.

Nyla shook her head. "Nothing, just thinking."

Carson hmmed as he continued checking her face. "You eye has swelled down alot. The redness around it should be gone within the next few 16 hours."

Carson then touched around her ribs and stomach. "The bites seemed to have healed nicely. Did you use the cream I prescribed you daily?"


Carson gave her a look. "You are lying."

"No I'm not."

"The bites would've been gone two days ago."

Nyla rolled her eyes. "Tch."

Carson smiled lightly as he looked at the scars on her back. "These here." He gently touched around them. The scars look reddish and a bit rough but still look better than it was two months ago. "Are healing up just fine."

"I wish they felt that way too." Nyla rubbed the back of her right shoulder. "They get itchy and I be craving to scratch them."

Carson took of his gloves. "Well, you shouldn't do that. Or you'll end up popping them. Then I gotta stitch them back again and we both don't want that."

Carson noticed Nyla didn't say anything she was just staring at him. "What's wrong Nyla?"

"Why don't you have a mate?"


Carson was startled by Nyla's question. Nyla on the other hand couldn't help it. She's been thinking about it for a while. Carson's handsome, has a good position in the pack as one of the best doctors, young, about 26, and was not only intelligent but had great morals. She was confused on why he didn't have a mate already.

"Sorry if its rude for me to ask, but I've been thinking about it for a while. Why don't you have a mate? Usually by this age alot of people finds their mates."

Carson washed his hands as he thought."Well, there's not really no big backstory to it really." Carson dried his hands as he turned to Nyla. "I've just never found mines."


Carson bent down and thumped her forhead. "Yes. Now stop being nosy."

Nyla held her forhead and glared at him in annoyance. "Was that really necessary? That hurts?"

"I didn't didn't ow our Beta Female was a crybaby."

"Shut up!"

Nyla pushed past Carson as she went into the changing room to change her gown back into her outfit. Carson on the other hand thought about what she said.

Mate? I never really thought of having one.

Carson watched as Nyla left out the changing room.

And would I need a mate when I have her?

"Alright it's time for me to go." Nyla hugged Carson. "Thank you for taking care of me these months."

Carson felt something sour form in his heart as he thought that this would mean his time spent with Nyla would be cut short.

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