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Haa... Haa...

Nyla laid her head back her pillow tiredly. Wayne wasn't playing when he said get ready tonight.

"You really don't hold back."

Wayne chuckled as he stared at his wife.

"The day holds alot of frustration. Releasing tension is a must."

Nyla hmmed in agreement.

"I guess so."

Wayne noticed his wife was distracted.

"What's wrong Ny?"

"I've been thinking."

"Uh oh."

Nyla sat her naked body up and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh oh what?"

"It's just- you sometimes think too much."

Her tone took a slight turn. "Excuse me?"

Wayne chuckled.

"Whenever you start thinking it's mainly something that I have to say no about."

"Just hear me out."

Wayne sat his head up in his hand and turned towards his wife.

"Okay, I'm listening." He said with a light smile.

"I want a baby."

Wayne, gave his wife a silent look. Then started to burst into laughter.

"A.. a baby?! Please!"

Nyla gave her husband a hard look. Which made him finally realize how serious she was.

He then sighed. "Ny, we've talked about this."

"Well you've never truly gave me a reason though. You only said it would be difficult."

"It would."

"How so?"

"Ny, you know we can't have children right now."

Nyla huffed.

"But whyy?"

"Because we are Betas. We don't have the same privileges of everyone else."

"I know but wouldn't a child be lovely for our family?"

"Ny, what is a child gonna do for our marrige?"

"I don't know! Maybe make it more brighter!"

"We are happy as we are Ny."

"But I wanna be a mother just like everyone else Wayne!"

"You are not like everyone else Nyla."

"Don't you want a child?"



Wayne nodded.

"Never. If we need a child so badly we'll adopt. But I don't want one. It'll be to difficult to manage the pack with a newborn child."

"But w-

"Nyla. Drop it."

Nyla felt a slight sting in her heart from his tone. In the tense uncomfortable silence she whispered.

"I just thought... it'll make us more happy."

Wayne softened his tone at his wife's sad look. He ran his hands over her knuckles.

"We are happy. We already have everything we need. And I only need you. Okay?"

Nyla nodded silently.


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