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Greea sat up as she saw the figure. "Nyla, I need to talk to you."

Nyla sat down as she saw Greea stare at her. "Yes Greea? Whats wrong?"

"I want you to hand over your Beta station to me."

Nyla's neck almost broke as she tried to process what Greea was saying. "What?"

"Nyla, besides me you are the second strongest woman in our pack. Mainly because when I was pregnant with Yorell I had to hand over most of my power to you so you can help me manage the pack."

"And after he turned four I gave you back that power why are you trying to take my beta power?"

Greea scooted closer to Nyla and held Nyla's hand. "The pack situation is dire right now. Us Luna's and Alpha's need as much power as we can get to protect the pack. You understand don't you?"

Nyla for the first time actually felt the urge to slap Greea. "You are asking me- to give up my power- that my family has held for generations?!"

"I know it's not something that can be done easy but as your luna-

"Greea. Do you fucking here yourself? This will weaken me! Are you serious right now?"

Betas and Gammas have strong abilities because of their high ranking. The longer the generation the stronger the abilities they have. In rare cases, it'll be handed over to the Luna or Alpha if mandatory but in return it weakens the claim a Beta or Gamma has. Which is why it's rarely done.

Nyla shrugged off Greea's hand. "Bye Greea."


Nyla left Greea's office with so much anger she felt her claws extending from her palms. Blinded by anger she didn't noticed the figure she bumped into as she turned to leave out the Alpha house.


Nyla looked up to see Yash. Glaring down at her with an cold stare. Calming down her anger she lightly bowed her head to Yash.

"Forgive me Alpha Norman."

Yash didn't say anything he just side stepped her. Nyla felt a bit of relief in her heart until she heard his voice flow through her ears.

"For now on, you are banned from seeing my son."

"Alpha Norman you-!"

Yash's eyes glowed silver as he stared down at Nyla. "Do I have to use different means to persuade you Beta Female Nyla?"

Nyla shivered as she understood what he meant. With clenched teeth she nodded. "Yes, Alpha Norman."


I didn't even want to be here any fucking way.

Nyla rolled her eyes as she left the house. Before she was able to walk towards her house she felt pressure on her leg.


Nyla sighed as she looked down at the young front toothless five year old.

"Yory why are you here?"

Yorell giggled as he held his finger to his mouth. "Shh I leave."

Nyla rolled her eyes as she pinches his cheek. "You little rugrat always sneaking off somewhere."

"Nya com wit me!"

Nyla watched as the little 5 year old dragged her around his parent's home. Then deep in the backyard and behind a few bushes were a little man-made hut. It was a bit wobbly but it was sturdy enough for the 5 year old.

"Lok! I hav lots of toys!"

Inside the hut was a few toys and other hidden things the little boy must've hid from his parents.

"So this is where you run go to run from your parents huh?"

Yorell nodded eagerly with a wide smile. "Ya and thay never fin me!"

"Okay I'll play with you for a bit then I go home okay?"

Yorell squealed in happiness. "Yay!"

So for the next 30 minutes Nyla played with the 5 year old. He may not be her child but he's the closest thing she has to her own. She wants to cherish the few moments she'll have with him.

"Noo stayy!!"

Nyla got up to prepare to leave.

"Yory. You can't stay around me anymore."

Yorell tilted his head confused. "Why?"

"Your dad doesn't want me around you. And I have the feeling you mom agrees."

Yorell pouted as he pulled on her pants leg. "I want yu to stay."

Nyla tussle his hair. "I know love and so do I. Just listen to your parents now alright?"

"Mommy and daddy fight a awot. I no wanna stay."

Nyla felt sympathy but she couldn't do anything about it. She lowered herself to his level and wiped the tears that swelled in the 5 year old's eye.

"Hey, it'll be only temporary okay? For now be a good boy and stay with your parents."

Yorell nodded as he jumped into her embrace. "Okay."

Nyla sighed as she held the little boy tighter in her arms.

Really, the closest thing I have to a child.

She gently pushed him out the bushes and to his house where after a few moments an omega opened the door and brung him inside. Nyla then turned and left for her own house.

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