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"We need to get you cleaned up now!"

Greea dragged Nyla into one of the guest rooms and quickly helped her get undressed.

Lilith paced back and forth anxiously.

"Nyla what the hell happened to you?!"

Nyla didn't say anything. She just sat as the nearby omegas undressed her half torn dress. The sight made the women in the room take a collective gasp.

The claw marks on her back were brutally long and deep. The fangs were imprinted in her back repeatedly and were already blistering red and swollen on her dark skin.

"Jorja go get a long sleeved plus size dress for the Beta Female. NOW!"

Lilith then glared golden eyes at the women in the room.

"And if anyone spreads gossip. I'll show you good use for your tongues!"

The women all shaken in fear bowed their heads at Lilith.

"Yes Gamma Female Lilith."

"Nyla, who did this to you?"

Your husband.

Nyla just shook her head as she shivered in the tub. The cold water making her naked bruised body jump from the water coming in contact with the wounds.

"Nyla, we need you to go back out there."

Nyla shook her head as tears fell down her eyes.

"No. No no I can't do that."

"You will Nyla."

"I was just raped and you want me to go out in front of people like's nothings wrong?!"

Anger and fear filled Nyla as she was listening to what Greea was telling her. She can't imagine going anywhere right now. She just wants to bury her head under her covers. She can't do it. This fear made her grab a towel and weakly get out the tub staring at Greea with pleading eyes.

"Please, I can't."

Just then the omegas came in with a long sleeve plus size black dress for Nyla.

"You will."

Nyla started hyperventilating as she saw the omegas surrounding her to help her place her dress and makeup on. She ran into Lilith's embrace. Who held her best friend with tears in her eyes.

"No I can't do it please!!"

"The Rouges has caused the other pack leaders to not only be concerned but be dissatisfied with our pack. If our pack is weak some might take it as a sign to invade us. We must as pack leaders show everyone our strengths! Our weaknesses are not allowed to be showed! So for the future of our pack members I need you just for tonight to toughen up! Please Nyla!"

Nyla sniffled as she gazed up at Lilith who showed an apologetic sad smile. Lilith didn't say it, but she knew she agreed with Greea. The state the pack is in right now is too critical to make mistakes.

"Okay. I'll do it."

"Have you seen Beta Female Nyla?"

The omega shook his head.

"No Beta Long."

Wayne then turned to ask another nearby pack member.

"Have you seen Beta Female Nyla?"

The bruised couple shook their head.

"No Beta Long."

"Well, thank you anyway."

the true meaning of being a beta Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora