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Hmm hmm hmm.

"I wonder what's gonna be for breakfast today."


"Morning hun."

Nyla turned towards her husband who just came down the stairs.

"Morning love."

Nyla admired her husband's short black hair, black eyes, and slowly growing beard.

My man's handsome.

He hurriedly got down the stairs and straightened out his work outfit.

Samantha, the omega placed the breakfast on the table and went back into the kitchen.

"Aren't you going to eat breakfast before you leave?"

"I can't right now. I have to help Alpha Norman prepare for the upcoming ABG yearly celebration. I'll talk to you later love."

He hurriedly gave Nyla a kiss on the cheek and gave her a smile.

"I love you."

She gave him one in return.

"I love you too."

Wayne hurriedly called out to her as he left the house.

"I'll make it up tonight! Get ready for me!"

A blush appeared on Nyla's face as the omegas around her giggled for their beta female.

Clap! Clap!

"Ladies! It's time to start shaping up this pack! Let's get going!"

Nyla clapped her hands as she had the omegas and other pack member females help with decorating and preparing the pack for the ABG Ceremony.

The ABG ceremony stands for the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma Cermony where pack members will show appreciation for their 3 highest level leaders of their packs. The Gamma rules the pack army and pack members. The beta rules the Gamma, pack army, and the rest of the pack members. The Alpha rules basically them all. The ceremony happens every 5 years. This time, the ceremony will be held in the LockHart Pack.

"The strawberry cupcakes have to taste perfect! Young children love strawberry! Blueberry! Mangos! Apples! Matter a fact! Anything Fruity make it into a pastry for the children!"

The kitchen staff took notes and nodded.

"And make sure you make second batches of everything! One with and without nuts and dairy!"

Nyla knows how young children can sometimes be allergic towards certain dairy products and nuts. She doesn't want them to feel as though they can't enjoy themselves.

"Also make sure to make vegan food and pastries!"

The female omega cooks raised their eyebrows at Nyla.

"The Evergreen Pack will be coming."


The omega's rolled their eyes and nodded.

The Evergreen Pack has this "diet" thing they got going on. Even though they are werewolves who are supposed to eat meat. They tend to eat only small rabbits or small vegan consumers. It wouldn't have been a problem if they didn't get angry and throw a tandtrum at every celebration because they didn't have "healthy consumers." You'll know who's part of the Evergreen Pack because a part of their hair will be slightly dyed to a light green. Along with an Evergreen Pack Necklace on them.

Nyla can just feel the headache coming on just thinking about it.

If they wanna do all that shit they can just stay in they own little vegan pack.

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