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"Are you serious right now Wayne?!"

"Yes, It's the only way to protect you!"

Nyla scoffs as she sat on their bed. "So your solution is trying to box me into this house?!"

Wayne grabbed his frustrated wife's hand. "I want to protect you! I can't do that when I haven't even caught who did that to you?"

Nyla stared at her husband. His determination to try and help her "find" the person who did this to her makes Nyla want to laugh at the irony.

I wonder. If he finds out who it is will he still be so dedicated?

"It's none of your business of who did this to me."

"But you know what he looks like don't you? I can help you find him Nyla! Ju-

Nyla took her hand from his and yelled at him fustratedly.
"No Wayne! I said no why is that always so hard for you to understand?!"

Wayne breathed out a frustrated sigh. He really wants to help yet, lately as usual she won't let him.

"Can you at least tell me a bit of what happened that night?"

Nyla glanced at her frustrated husband in the bed and found herself a bit conflicted. Should she tell him?

No its better to see how much he actually take this matter seriously.

"That night... I was lured into a room... it had no windows, they had bars covering them. And while he was... assaulting me... I hit him. With a lamp. Bruised the side of his face and ran out the room in stained sheets. Does that help you with your little investigation?"

Wayne heard the sarcasm at the end of her tone but also noticed the hidden sadness in it.

Wayne reached out to pull his wife into an embrace. "Nyl-

She shrugged him off. "Im moving to another room."

Nyla shakily took a breath. "Being around you right now is uncomfortable."

Wayne then watched as Nyla ordered a few omegas to set up her room in a guest room. Again he couldn't do anything and just watch his wife pull away from him. He misses her. Misses being able to hug and love her freely without her getting angry at him for doing so.

Wayne ran his fingers through his hair as he thought of what his wife said.

Windows with bars.
Broken lamp.
Stained sheets.

Wayne's eyes glowed its golden hue.

I will find him and I'll kill him myself. Then I'll get my wife back.

"Is that all the wolves you'll be taking?"

Johnathan nodded as he pointed to the map on the table. "Yes about 3 dozen will do. We already know the Rose Forest is divided into 3 sections so far. The Light, Mid, and Dark zone. We'll focus on venturing into the light and Mid zones first to see how well we can survive there. If it goes good we'll probably go past the dark zone."

Wayne nodded as he concluded Johnathan's sentence. "And if not we'll just stay at those two zones."

"Right. But if we do try and venture into the dark zone we'll come back before we are fully prepared."

"Smart plan Gamma Davis."

Johnathan rolled his eyes and smiled. "All thanks to your help Beta Long."

Wayne gave him a half hearted smile. Causing Johnathan's concern. "What's wrong Wayne?"

"I don't think I'll be helping you on this mission. I'll stay in the pack and helping my wife."

"Did you find any clues so far?"

Wayne shook his head. "No. Ive checked every house in and around the pack. I didn't find any stained sheets, barred windows, or a broken lamp that was used that night. I feel like I'm looking for something that's not even there."

Wayne saw the slight uncomfortable look on Johnathan's face.

"Do you know something Johnathan?"

Johnathan felt his heart beat heavily in his chest and if he didn't calm down he knew Wayne would've heard it too.

I'll help him... but this is all I can do.

"It probably has something to do with that pendant. It has a lock on it, whoever helped her assailant probably has the key to that pendant. You could start there."

Wayne breathed a relived smile. He got up and patted Johnathan's shoulder as he grabbed the old pendant.

"Thank you Johnathan. I owe you one."

Johnathan gave out a forced smile as he left. "My pleasure."

It feels good to shift every once in a while.


Nyla plopped down I'm the meadow and stared at the nature around her. The soft sounds of rushing streams and rivers. The constant chirping of birds, along with the small animals and beautiful flowers that around surrounding her.

It's been nearly a month since the horrors of that night, but if she could. She'd want to stay in this peace. Forever. To just run away from it all.

It's peace.

Nightfall fell. The cool cold breeze rubbed against Nyla's skin. A soft touch caressed Nyla's legs. Slowly but surely moving up towards her thighs, her hips, over her stomach, then towards her chest. The hand slowly caressed her lips as she felt gentle kisses run down her neck.


Nyla who felt pleasure from the gentle touch suddenly jumped as she felt the hand clasp over her throat. Startled she sees Yash standing above her, a wicked smile on his face.

"Are you enjoying this?"

Are you enjoying this?

She then felt the pressure on her throat intensify. Tears fell down her eyes as she felt herself slowly loosing air.

"Ssh Nyla."




Nyla opened her eyes to see Wayne standing over her concerned and worried. Shaking in fear she ran her hand over her throat that was still slightly bruised but not as bad as she thought it was.

"H-he was here."


"I-I saw him. He was standing above me his hands around my throat! I felt h-him breath over me he was so close-

Wayne tried calming his hysterical wife.
"Who Nyla who?!"

"The one who..."

Wayne gave his wife a sympathetic look."Nyla, no one was in this room love." He ran his hands through her locks. " It was a dream."

Nyla took a few deep breaths and nodded. "R-right... a dream."

"I could stay with you for the ni-


"Nyla right now isn't the time to be pushing me aw-

Nyla shook her head as she left her husband's embrace.

"No... I mean it. I can't stand the feeling of another man hovering over me while I sleep. Wayne please... just leave."

Wayne looked at his wife for a few moments. Seeing her begging gaze he finally relented. Kissing her forhead he got off the bed. "If you need anything, I'm right outside for you okay?"

Nyla gave him a small smile. "Yea... I know."

Wayne took one last look at his tear stained faced wife. Who's shaking didn't cease much but she was trying her best to cover for it.

"I love you."

"I wished I did too."

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