"Oh, mm. Got it. Call Harry sir." She repeats to herself.

"Yeah, then.. Well mostly everything else is pure knowledge. Don't try to sneak out, don't refuse his demands. The simple and smart stuff. And don't try to get on his bad side because, once you get on his bad side there's no getting out."

"Are you on his bad side?" She asks, I shake my head. "Nah, not yet atleast. I mean he doesn't like me, but I'd like to think he doesn't hate me even though I wouldn't care if he did," I admited as I arose from my bed.

"Any other questions?" I ask as I grab the televison remote and look for a better channel besides the news channel which bores me to death.

"Yeah actually a few. How long have you been here?" She asks, I look over at her and shrug. "Maybe two years," I add as I keep on trying to find a entertaining channel. Lucy looks over at me and nods her head. "Another question. Will he, or has he killed anyone?"

I look straight at the t.v as haunting memories come flashing to my mind. Bad, horrible memories that are never going to go away no matter how hard I try. But I just nod my head and aviod all emotinal drama. "I mean yeah, are you suprised?"

She shakes her head, "No, not really. Just thought I'd ask," She spoke in a low tone. "One more question.. How haven't you gotten killed?"

"I follow the rules." I simply stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

"How do you do that and not have one major blowout that ruins everything? You just do whatever he tells you everyday without having a major anger blow?"

"Well I don't want to be killed," I say as I shrug. "I mean I wouldn't mind it now. It's better then this hole hell."

"How many slaves did Harry have before me?" She again asks. I laugh at her as I still try to find a channel, "What up with all these questions Luc?" 

"Just curious is all." She hums softly. I finally find a channel that's worth watching, then I answer her question truthfully. "Ten maybe more. Not less."

"Did he kill all of them?" 

"Nah," I laugh, "He usually gives them away to new slave owners when he gets tired with 'em." 

"Oh well,'" Lucy says but then get's stops by Harry's hard heavy voice screaming from downstairs.

"Come down here!" Harry's voiced over the entire house. Lucy and I looked at each other and slowly crept down the stairs gracefully, not making one creak in the stairs. Once we get down all the steps, Harry appears in a black shirt and his usual tight skinny jeans with his hair curled in different places then his white converse shoes.

"Scarlett did you tell her?" He questions in a low tone, that I could barely hear. I nod my head as I look over at Lucy who nods her head too. "Great." He spoke, but not cracking a smile. His pale face looked over at me, then onto Lucy. 

"Since I don't think Lucy can cook yet, uh Scarlett make some dinner." He states as he looks back over at me with his dark green eyes that were almost black like the midnight sky. The eyes I dreaded looking at.

"Yes sir," I said as I walked past Harry and into the kitchen. "Go on then!" Harry motioned Lucy back up the stairs. I looked back ot see her gallop up the stairs within a second. I tried to contain my laughter as she almost tripped. 

Thirty minutes later, and I'm still cooking grilled chicken, I hear footsteps coming down the stairs, oh shit.. It's Lucy. 


This chapter is edited. 

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