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"Shut up." Kuroka's quirk locked the metal cuffs that covered Katsuki's whole hands in place. "There, done, now leave me alone dude." 

"Of course." Kurogiri said as politely as ever and left them.

"I'm sorry." Kuroka whispered when they were alone, sitting on the ground.


"AND YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW THAT?!!" She yelled at Katsuki, looking him in the eyes for the first time he was brought along and she joined the villains. "Don't you think I am aware of how much I am losing here?! I thought I was strong, that I could tell them to piss off and leave me alone.... But the big man could offer that broke my resolve.... I am weak and they got a grasp on it."

"Ey?! How dare to say you are weak!!? You bitch beat me!!! No weak bitch can beat me!!"

"How oddly nice it is hearing you say that Pomeranian but I betrayed U.A. for a hope, a hope that a promise might be true and not a lie.... And because their goal was to take two off you and I knew I could save one and keep company to the other."

"Ah?! Well what was that shitty promise that made you do this?" Somehow Katsuki seemed calmer, he was a hot head but he is intelligent, he saw that he wasn't the only one trapped even if his traps were the only ones visible.



She still worried when she got home but her thoughts soon shifted at a note she found in her pocket.

"What the?" She opened it and froze as she read it before frowning.

-Dear Kuroka Kinzoku, I have deal for you, come meet with my representatives tomorrow night and I could offer you what your heart desires. If you do not come one you care for will pay.-

A choice was open to her with the one note, and she knew which choice she must make... Even if it would dig her grave.

The note was crumpled in her shaking hold.

"I'm... Sorry...." She said, knowing something will be broken after this and that she might be unable to repair it.

"So speak suit-man, what does your big boss want and why does he know my name?"

"Master knows all." Kurogiri said as he opened a door and let her in a similar dark room as when she was first caught by him months ago.

"Wh--" A bright screen turned on.

She watched in shock as a clearly dead body got something done to it, some liquids pumped into it and it started to darken and change, growing a beak and brain breaking through the skull as the eyes bulged out and muscles grew, the first nomu she saw.

"You sick bastards do this to people?!!"

"We are giving them a second chance, master left another note for you."

She grabbed it with haste.

-Dear Kuroka, remember the Hosu nomu? I bet you do, the one Mirko fought? Did you know it never got caught, or should I she never got caught, if you work with me I can turn back what has been done to her and you can have your mother back.-

Her hands trembled as she read the note before folding it in her pocket.

"What.... What do I need to do?"

"We heard from another source that you'll be going on a little trip.... Just don't interfere with the events if you accept the deal."


"That's.... That's why you did this you bitch?!"

"Yeah.... I saw a man turn into a nomu and I even checked after, there is no coffin in her grave, nothing... There is a reason they are so forwards with me, they know they have the upper hand and can control me like this...."

"You realize that will never ever be your mother again?!"

"Yes!!" She bounced to her feet. "But what would YOU do in my situation?! I was given an impossible choice I was forced to accept if I wanted it or not!! All the cards are against me and I can't get away.... There is this hope in me that she can be given back but I am logical, I don't know what to do...." She covered her face.

"Well first lets think of a way out."

"How?" She threw her hands up, finally standing again. "I cannot free you without it being obvious and we could easily die against so many villains."

"I might hate you for how stupid you are but I am not blind goggled bitch!! This once we'll need to unite our strength but don't you dare tell Deku about this or I'll skin you!!"

"I don't think I'd ever share Pomeranian." She sighed, this was her best chance currently but the worry weighing on her. "They will try to make you join them, maybe not with threats and tricks like me but they will try, play along alright? Fumikage must have told them and they'll figure out what he meant."


She grinned truly for the first time since they got here.


"What?" He grabbed his chest, surprised he was free before looking ahead at a cold faced Kuroka.

"Listen here Fumikage and listen well... Tell Momo to never look for the blue tracker or she'll find trouble."


"And how the hell is that supposed to help us?!!"

Kuroka kept grinning and stuck her tongue out, the little blue dote tracker was hidden between her cheek and jaw until now.

"Because I made sure we were traceable." She said with a smile.

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