-We are here-

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"You want me to come over?"

Kuroka shook her head tho the hero on the other side of the phone call couldn't see it.

"No it's fine, I don't know why I even called you to be honest here." She admitted.

"I wasn't at all close to Sir, like... All Might has a really hard time accepting interns, your mother got super lucky, having been with him longer the Sir and I combined and I only got took along because I taped myself to the front door of his agency until he agreed and it was only for a few months actually."

"I suppose she was... Do you think his with her? She must have been lonely with all her friends still alive..."

"I am sure she was fine, she must be berating him for being reckless out there."

"...Mhm.... Hey Rumi? Why now?" She was walking up and down the hospital hallway, Izuku had gone in to talk with Mirio and she didn't feel like facing him now... She didn't feel strong enough to see the dead hero's pride and joy.

"What 'why now'?"

"Many heroes bled to death through my fingers, many fell in darkness at my hands, I felt them die through feeling the metal stall in their veins.... It never hurt... Why does it now?"

"Hmmmm..... Well I suppose despite him annoying you a bit, if you considered him a true hero, he had value, talking purely statistics here. If you think he has value it would be hard to lose someone like that even if you knew him for a few days."

"I guess you are right." The door opened. "Izu is done, I'll get going."

"Sure, do call again, I miss having you around."

"You are not my mother."

"Try me, I'll adopt you just to prove you wrong."

"Oh fuck off." Kuroka hung up with an eye roll but a cheeky smile twitched on her face for a moment before the feelings were back.

"Ready to go Izu? They are waiting for us outside."

"A-ah sorry! I am coming!" He said.

Momentary Izuku pov for a timeskip: When we returned to school, they had us go through a bunch of inquiries and processes. In the end we weren't able to make it to the dorms until that night. Apparently Uraraka and Tsuyu were quite busy at Ryukyu's office as well.

"THEY'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!!!! TH-THEY CAME BAAAAAAAACK!!!!" Mineta yelled when the group stepped through the door.

"Are you guys alright? We saw it all on the news!" Mina said.

"We have chocolate cake!"

"Everyone was worried about you guys."


"You guys always come back after getting mixed up with some crazy business, quit scarin' us dam--" Kuroka slapped her hand over Denki's mouth but he kept talking into it, she sighed, physically at her peek but mentally she was tired of it all today.

"Everyone! I know you were all worried but lets calm down!" Tenya said, sliding between the groups, pushing Denki back from his classmate's hold at the same time. "You all saw the news didn't you? So you know what they went through. As classmates, we should be sensitive to their feelings and let them rest. It's not just their bodies... Their spirits must be hurting too."

"Iida, Thank you but...." Izuku said. "I'm all right." He smiled softly.

Kuroka looked at him.

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