-The dreaded filler chapter?-

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(I mean it is still part of the story there is just nothing I want to write about here, the one manga chapter between internship and training camp is a bit meh so you get a meh chapter too.)

"Dude yeah the hero kiler!!"

"I was worried about you."

"So happy you're alive, no joke, that's the most important thing!"

"They said you got rescued by Endeavor! The number two hero with an unlikely ally!"

"Kuro can work with hero's when needed" Izuku said.


Kuroka was already waiting with All Might at the training ground, having escaped the press and skipped the start of the classes.


"Why did you turn on your mentor?"

"Why did you become a hero?"

"You are doing this for fame yes?"


And many similar questions plagued her all morning since the incident with the hero killer: Stain. They hadn't outright told the media it was her but with the pictures of his injuries and her quirk people made the link, she was even in that damned video they created about Stain.


"HI! For I'm here!... Is the note I usually do things on but right onto foundational hero study time!" All Might started as the class gathered. "It's been a while, boys and girls! In good spirits, I hope?! That was a really lukewarm entry after so long too. Right on the heels of all your workplace experience, this time we'll mix in an element of play, it's a rescue-training race!!"

"It it's a rescue training, they should it not be carrier out at U.S.J.?!" Tenya yelled out.

"No, that place is for disaster rescue, what was I saying? Ah yes, a race!! This is playground Gamma! Where densely packed lanes make this construction site seem more like a complex labyrinth! Make four group of five! We'll do the training one group at a time.... When I've given the distress signal somewhere in the area, you all start simultaneously from outside the limits! This is a competition to see who can come to my aid first.... Of course keep damage to the surrounding buildings at a minimum, 0 if possible!"

"Stop looking at me All Might!" Kuroka hissed like a cat.


The first group stepped up while the rest of the class watched from a big screen.


"Hey, who you rooting for?"

"Izu, always." She looked at Eijiro.

"You are so loyal to him, that's so manly!!"

And she grinned at Izuku overtook Hanata, jumping from a spot to the next with a flip.

"Woww! Look at him hop.. Actually they're just like Bakugou's." Ochaco said.

"Not only, look how he is moving." Momo added, pointing up at the screen. "Bakugou relies a lot on his arms since that's where his quirk activates but currently he is kicking off those pipes in quick succession of kicks... I only know of two people in this class that rely heavily on kicks, Iida and Kuroka."

"Well now that you say it it can't be Iida, he is too close to form in his movement." Fumikage muttered.

Kuroka had her arms crossed with a grin as she watched.

"Izu would always have been a terrifying villain." She said, glancing over her shoulder at her classmates. "With his ability to analyse the shit out of your quirk and fighting style and memories it, making it his own, he is pulling what he thinks are the strongest of moves from all inspiration he got."


When it was her turn she found it quite easy.

"Thanks bunny." She grinned, having arrived a good minute before the next closest person in the race did, having gotten used fast to jumping and maneuvering across risky terrain.

"Let's see here.... Right, summer break is fast approaching but of course, it stands to reason none of you have enough leeway to just relax for thirty days.... We'll be going to a summer break forest lodge. However should any of you fall short of a passing grade for the end-of-term test, then you're stuck in school, in remedial hell."

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