-Study Time-

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Momo felt really nervous, fingers hovering in front of her bell with 'Rumi Usagiyama' written on the little label a bit higher on it, it was printed out but in the corner in quite small was scribbled 'And Kinzoku' in black pen.

It made her smile, knowing the girl, it was not a surprise she made herself at home even if the pro hero might not enjoy the need decoration on the name plate.

"Alright it's a date."

She sighed deeply as she finger stalled again before she could press the button, she knew what she heard even if the other girl denied it, what bothered her the most was why she was so giddy at the idea of considering this a date when she knew Kuroka loved to mess with people even if it was mean.

It left her confused as she didn't know what she meant it or didn't as even with all the time passed together as a class only Izuku had a full grasp of what was a tease or a snap coming from the V.I.R.

She took a deep breath and was about to press it when the door opened and the pro hero was there.

"Oh you are here just in time! Carrot was waiting for you!"

"Oy stop calling me that you overgrown rabbit!"

"Have fun seedlings! I might not come home until really late tonight, big area to patrol and I gotta pass in the office, bye!"

Momo was left alone in front of the open door before inviting herself in and closing it.

"Yo! Over here!"

She looked to the left and spotted her classmate in the frame of a door, holding crutches under her arms and visor back on her face, long hair also back in  a pony tail while the rest was the same as always

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She looked to the left and spotted her classmate in the frame of a door, holding crutches under her arms and visor back on her face, long hair also back in  a pony tail while the rest was the same as always.

"You look nice." Momo glanced down at the simple compliment, dark blue skirt and red T-shirt was what she was wearing.

"Thanks, you too?" She said it, it came out as a question because of her awkwardness, Kuroka had a white and green striped T-shirt and brown shorts with some fuzzy pastel yellow socks, showing off the layers of bandages with some medical tape sticking out of the few small openings between the strips of bandages. "Doesn't it hurt?" She asked as Kuroka, with still some beginners trouble, approached.

"It hurts my arms but my legs can't even hold me, Recovery Girl can't heal me since these are not injuries and she said my arm should be fine by itself and that I should heal my tendon easier then usual people because of my enhanced body."

"I guess..."

"Well.... Onward!" She made her way back to her room. "Ladies first." She knocked the door open more with one of the crutches.

"Such a gentlewoman we have here." Momo joked.

"Only for you my lady."


"You know.... I still can't figure out what your visor reminds me off." Momo said, sitting sideways in the chair with her books set out on Kuroka's desk while the girl herself sat in her bed with papers sprawled out on it.

She pushed her visor up on her forehead before looking away from the paper she was taking notes of and towards Momo.

"Why? A quick online search would give you answers."

"Yes but I wanted to figure it out without external help but no ideas came to me."

"I guess I could be nice and tell you." She pulled it off, putting it on her lap, dusting off the bulletproof blue glass with her hand. 

"Well please do." Momo crossed her arms on the back of the chair, school work forgotten for the moment. "It has constantly been at the back of my mind since we last talked about it."

"Well come and sit." She pat the bed with a smile.

Momo gulped and did so, sitting on the part of the bed Kuroka pushed the papers off of, knees bumping for a moment as she sit down.

She held it out for Momo to take which she did, looking over the visor but there didn't seem to be any marks that would give it away.

"It's a parting gift from my mother."

As Momo looked up she saw not only the cold neutral look accompanied by a frown on Kuroka's face but the sadness it must be masking.

"Parting.... As in..."

"Dying? Yeah.... Some hero was fighting a villain and our house was one of the many casualties but her life was the only one snuffed out."

"I am so sorry."

"Gravity field hero: Magnet, once twenty-second hero in Japan but few knew of her, she was too nice, letting people use her to climb higher, must be the truth since before dying she told me to never be a stepping stone, to never let others use me for their gain.... Heroes are unjust, it took All Might mentioning her vanishing days after for people to go looking for her, by then it was too late and I was already found wandering the streets alone and thrown in an orphanage, I snuck out.... Her burial was done fast, as if it was another chore to do, a garbage bag to get rid of..."

Momo looked down at the visor with a frown, there were little scuff marks that could be easily buffed out and made as good as new but she suspected some of them being marks left behind from when the other girl's mother still wore it.

"The foster kid system if messed up, I was adopted out three separate times and they found three separate reasons to send me back, I fled once it got too much after a fight with a boy in the orphanage... I ran into Stain then, he killed one of the heroes that ignored my plea for help as a child when my mom was still alive and trapped, that night I became the second hero killer I guess.... Even if it was not me that killed that hero, I just killed the hero in my heart."

"I am sorry for the life you lived." Momo felt guilty as compared to Kuroka, he life's biggest 'turmoil' had been when at age ten she couldn't get an action set of the 'wild, wild pussy cat' hero team.

"Don't be, I most likely wouldn't be here today if those things didn't happen. I came to terms with the past even if it still hurts to think of that day."

"Yes I bet, I bet she was a good hero." She handed the visor back, Kuroka grabbed it with one hand around the strap part.

"Yes, the best, my hero as a child from the little I can actually remember of her." She lifted her arm and with one movement, the visor was over Momo's eyes and on her head. "Fits you well, maybe you should as some eye-gear for your costume, might add to the sexiness of your already revealing outfit."

"S-stop saying like that it's embarrassing! I need my costume like that because of my quirk."

"Chiiiill I get it." Kuroka laughed. "Come on, lets watch TV, I am getting bored of studying."


By the time Rumi got home it was near two in the morning so she was surprised by the TV's light filling the apartment.

"Awe you are quite a cute duo." She whispered before turning off the TV.

The two girls having fallen asleep while watching something prior, Momo still wearing the visor and laying across the couch, her legs pulled up to her chest, her arms crossed under her head and her arms over Kuroka's legs who was sleeping bent over to the side, her elbow of Momo's back and head in head hand while it also leaned on the couch, her other arm just draped over the other girl.

Rumi tip toed out of the room, trying to hold back a knowing smile.

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