-Late night secrets-

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"Awe my Carrot grew up!"

"I regret calling you." Kuroka muttered into her phone as she stood away from the rest, outside their dormitories while everyone was inside.

"You'll need to visit to show me that licence face to face."

"Whatever bunny, I just told you so you wouldn't go snooping around to find out if I passed."

"Sure sure, when you visit you should bring along those friends of yours, I'd like to get to know them better."

"Sure, night."

"Night night Carrot."

She hung up and with her quirk, threw the phone on her balcony, hearing a slight crack she didn't care for, walking away.


She still held the licence as she wandered, climbing one of the buildings in the training area, ground beta, all whilst avoiding the cameras since she easily felt where the mechanical builds were.

She sat on the edge looking at the plastic card, frowning.

She thought she'd feel happy but she didn't.

Yes she got her licence but usually first years don't participate in this exam, it was because class 1-A had already fought villains and because All Might lost his quirk that they could participate.

"All Might...." She hated this, she knew she was partially at fault. "Hmm?" She saw someone walk on below followed by another. "Pomeranian? Izu?" She whispered.

She hopped down on a lower fake balcony but didn't go lower, not wanting to interrupt them as theirs words reached her ears.

"--Were a quirkless, good-for-nothing weak little bitch... But by some miracle you got accepted to U.A. and by an even bigger miracle, your quirk manifested out of thin air, ain't that right?" Katsuki sounded angry but a restrained kind which made her on edge, the boy was known to explode and this was not good. "You were an incomprehensible bastard, spewing nothing but garbage. And ever since then, you've been wearin' this self-satisfied face while growing more, and more, and more, the whole god damn time. Ever since that one time with the sludge bastard.... No.... Ever since All Might first came to town! More and more and more and more and in the end you even got your license and I fucking failed. What the hell is with that?"

"I earne--" "JUST SHUT THE HELL UP AND LISTEN ASSHOLE! The whole damn time it pissed me off. It disgusted me! But you know with the whole incident in Kamino, I finally put the pieces together and I've been thinking about it the whole time.... You got that power from All Might didn't you?"

Kuroka's gaze snapped to Izuku, her mind spinning but Katsuki made sense, a lot of sense.

"The boss villain, that bastard, from what I saw with that goggled bitch being wrapped up in this mess it that he could transfer quirks and take them away from people, giving them to others and I couldn't believe it, coming from her and him? Don't make me laugh.... But lo and behold, one of the pussycats was forced to retire due to the disappearance of their quirk and not to mention those nomu fuckers held multiple quirks and with what the bitch ex-villain told me it just grounded my theory more. Plus All Might and that boss asshole were acquaintances."

"No fucking surprise you are near the top of the class in grades damn." She whispered.

She looked down, Izuku had hid this not only from his metaphorical best friend but her also while she told him all.

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