-Failed demand to train together-

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Kuroka who previously didn't use the training facilities of U.A. was currently sitting on one of the bench presses, once again staring at the license.

She had come in to train the physical part of her quirk as everyone was seemingly catching up to her without her advancing in any way.

She had already done a few sets of bicep curl with the heaviest of the normal dumbbells U.A. has, she thought it was a bit of a mockery that the heaviest is only 100 kilos.

But currently to last week was on replay in her mind, not caring the sweat from lifting the bar with 100 kilos on each side of it in plate was running down her face and dripping on the license, she looked angry and yet a shit eating and huge smirk on her face on the picture.

She remembered just how she hurried to instantly call the bunny hero to tell her the news when she got her phone back.

"I wish I could show this to you, not them." She said, flipping it over twice so she was looking at the picture again. "Whatever they did to your body.... I swear I will put you to rest myself."

She put her hand over the visor.

"I swear on my life, you will rest again, you won't be a weapon no more.... I love you..." She put the license away, knowing that despite the body being gone she'd go visit the grave site anyway to show her the license. 

She stood with a sigh, pulling the plates off the bar with her quirk and lifting the differently weight plates around with her quirk as she still felt the weight and heavier the further they were from her hands.

She was slowly trying to stack and balance them, telling herself it is a dexterity training.

"Hate this.... I hate it so much..." She knocked her thoughts away and the tower of weights down when the previously silent place was filled with noise as the door opened. "Fancy seeing you here, what are you doing here?" She asked with a grin.

"I wanted to do something to strengthen my earphone-jacks."

"Well Kyoka you came to the best place, catch this!" She threw a weight her way with her quirk but the other girl just avoided it.

"You idiot I am not as strong you! I can't catch that!"

"Damn don't yell." She put away all weights used in their place and picked a one kilo plate up. "Try this."

"Heavy." She could barely hold it up with her earphone-jacks needing both.

"It will get easier, my body is strong but I need to train it for it to become stronger."

"What would you say if you helped us train a bit each day so we all get stronger?"


"I'll convince Momo, you are upfront with what you like after all."

"Oh am I?"

"Girl you are friends with Midoriya.... You think he can keep secrets?"

"Good point, I find her attractive so what? I find you good looking too but I am not losing my mind over you being here."

"E-eh?" Kyoka hadn't expected that, blinking with a red face.

"What? There is enough of me to go around."

"Shut up!" She threw the weight which Kuroka easily caught.

"See? You are strong."

"Do not change the subject! What the hell are you on?!"

"I just said you are attractive damn, it's not like I stole your band T collection and set them on fire."


"Such a lovely tomato you are."

"I AM NEVER ASKING FOR YOUR HELP EVER AGAIN." And despite not having been there for more then ten minutes, Kyoka was almost carried by the wind out of the U.A. gym.

Kuroka couldn't help a laugh, a fullhearted one, one she needed with all the thoughts she had in her mind previously.

"I should check if Izu grew some balls and talked to Shoto." She said, ready to leave the place too, having lost motivation to train longer but also more motivated to play the match makers now. (decided to ship IzukuXShoto in this book.)

She did wonder if Kyoka thought she was joking with her when she knew she wasn't, growing up with a villain does put a dampen on social skills and despite Kuroka managed well there were things she was a sock at, like how it was embarrassing or almost weirdly taboo of talking about feelings so openly or talking about possibly starting to like a second person.

But well, she didn't give a damn anyway, Kuroka is a villain and villains don't follow the rules.

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