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When Kuroka first came too it was in a white room and that was the best of the times to come.

Jailed for what she did she was interrogated, put through the ringer, questioned for answers she didn't have or wouldn't share.


She sat in the corner of her wooden prison, thick and strong logs making it up so neither parts of her quirk would put a dent on them.

She was hugging her knees, face pressed on them.

"Miss Razor-blade."

"I know nothing I swear!! I don't know where he is!!" She yelled, picking up her head, glaring at the sadistic hero that took pleasure in interrogating her only for it not too be him..... But a small dog-rat looking animal. "You..."

"Yes hello I am Nezu, what's your name?" The little furry thing said.

"Oh my god it talks." She whispered before frowning. "What's the trick?"

"There is no trick, I want to know your name, that's all."

"No there is always a trick."

"Oh? And why?"

"People always expect something in return."

"I just want a discussion, please Razor-blade, I'd love to call you something else then that villainous name."

She glared at him and at the bait he was oh so friendly-ly offering to her.... And yet she took a bite from it.

"Kinzoku.... Kinzoku Kuroka...."

"Kinzoku ey? Not common as a last name."

"Tough luck as this is your answer."

"Are you by any change rela--" "related to Magnet? Yeah, what of it?"

"Interesting.... It is a shame such a powerful quirk would go to waste with a villain and how her heritage would forever be forgotten."

"Spit it out already!! What do you expect from me rodent?!"

"Call my Nezu or Mr. Principal please and what I have to offer is a very simple choice."

"And what is it?"

"Will you join U.A.?"

"What the?!" She jerked from surprise, her eyebrows shooting up on her face, almost hiding in her hair, looking at the dog-rat. "What?!"

"There is no traps, double meaning, tricks, would you want to join U.A.?"

"Why am I getting such a choice?"

"Magnet wouldn't want you to go down this path and many of the teachers will feel the same way once learning of your bloodline, we can help clear your name and help you take a new start."

"And be thrown between all these false heroes?! TO HELL WITH THAT!!!"

"Think about it, you have one week to decide as the school year already started and we don't want you to miss out on much. Thanks for talking to me miss Kinzoku, please rest up and I hope to hear from you soon."

The smiling dog-rat left, leaving her alone to process her thought.


"I will." She said to herself, staring at her palm.

"Will what you criminal?" The seemingly always angry guard said with a huff. "Will shut up and stay silent, good, you villain scum."

She glared at him darkly, making him shiver even if he was safe where he was.

"I will join U.A.... Not because I want to be a hero but because that way I will get to show them what a true hero must be like!"


"Yo." Said Kuroka, standing in front of the class, surrounded on each sides by a teacher and one being her back, ready to intervene but she just held her hand up.

"This will be your new classmate from here on out, she was unable to join us before for personal reasons."

"Being in jail, you can say it you know?" She told whom she was told would be her homeroom teacher, Aizawa if she heard it right, Eraser head.

"JAIL?!?!" Most of the class thought outside of Katsuki and Izuku who were both still present when they saw the unconscious body of the girl be cuffed and carried off by All Might in a split second.

"As bold as ever." Aizawa sighed. "Now introduce yourself to your comrades."

"Well my name's Kuroka, last name Kinzoku but you might know me under another name, hero killer: Razor-blade!" A cold chill ran over all students when she declared that proudly, she couldn't hold back a large proud smirk at their reaction. "Nice to met you all~."

"Now sit next to Midoriya, I assume you know who it is and you've read the given documents?"

"Of course I know who he is! Don't I Izu?" She asked him before frowning slightly as he looked nervous, she sighed and tilted her head to the side. "Sorry that this was the way you learnt the truth Izu."

She walked over and sat down, fingers locked and on the desk, staring in boredom at her new teacher.

She sighed again, today is the day she'll become a hero to outshine all those false heroes.

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