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(Laptop broken so typed on phone, warn me if my formating is off.)

"Come on! You've been practicing somewhere and it is almost time and we have no idea how much you improved!! Fumikage can play too if you are too embarrassed to admit you can't play." Mineta annoyed her greatly.

She punted him in the wall but he was right, she could tell the rest of the class had different levels of believing him.

They had first fired Izuku because he couldn't dance well and now there were going for her place too.

"Kuroka you don't need to be embar--" "Embarrassed?! I'll fucking show you band of wannabes what I can do!!" She barked at Mina, throwing her hand out. "Guitar! Now!"

She grumbled as it was handed to her.

"Why I never was with you? Simple, because I practice better alone, damn you over complicate everything so hear this master piece!"

She didn't dare to look at them, it was like one night before the culture festival and she did doubt her abilities to match up to the others.

She was also stressing because it was the first she'd take part in, she had leached of all her knowledge from Izuku after all, never having gone to school because of her life.

She always watched from afar how other had fun and such, being jealous of all the children that could have a normal life.

Because of all that she didn't want to fail, passing so much time practicing in her room and after classes she basically ignored anything else, having flunked a test by consequence.

"There, not good but something." She set the instrument down. "But change me out if so you wish, I am done with this, I lost too much sleep on it, he probably already learnt the song anyway."

She left, annoyed as she had been bothered all day about this.

It is not her fault that she has never done this, it is not her fault dammit, it is all the heroes fault, only theirs.


She walked outside with a sigh, having seen many people gather with their friends and doing the last preparations.


She had her hands in her pockets, sighing softly, she was stressed, she shouldn't have gone off like that, this was their last time.

She groaned, stressing over something so stupid as a culture festival.

What bothered her most was usually anyone could come watch it and that meant even more strangers.

Sure she was fixing her reputation half because she was forced and half because it came with being in a hero school and fighting other villains but there were still moments where Razor-blade was still doubted.

There is so many people living her, there will always be people not believing she can get better, hell she doubted it herself that she could be a truthful hero through and through, she'll be number one but a villain in the skin of a hero.

Kuroka rubbed her forehead, mix and matching her negative thoughts.

"It doesn't matter anyway, I am sure they already switched me off to some background decoration." She grumbled.


Kuroka looked at the ceiling of her room, throwing and catching a little metal ball in the air.

Catching it one last time as she heard a knock on her door, throwing herself out of bed and walking over to open it, turning the knob with a twist of her quirk on it and she pulled the visor over her eyes.

"Yes?" she asked. "Kyoka."


"Look." She held her hand up to keep her from talking as with the other she rubbed her forehead. "I know I overreacted, I know, I just... Stressed and all."

Her classmate just smiled at her.

"It's fine, we get it. Sorry we let Mineta and Denki get to you, we should have trusted you."

"Have you switched in Fumikage?"

"What?! Of course not!"


"Heck yeah, come on, lets head to the last repetition."

"Euh." Kuroka dropped her hands before grinning. "Sure!"

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