Three Minutes

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Earth: You've been staring at me this whole time?! Do not you sleep?...

Kao caressing Earth's face in a slow, gentle voice.

Kao: I'm enjoying the time I didn't have....

Earth looking into Kao's eyes, looked into his lips, gently and slowly kisses Kao's lips, meanwhile the phone made noise again, Earth lets go of Kao's lips, turns sideways, looks at his pants that were on the floor, gets up and sits on the bed, tries to go get the phone but Kao grabs his wrist.

Kao: Don't answer! Can't we forget a little about the outside world, and just be the two of us in this bedroom?!...

Earth looking at him smiles when he sees Kao's cute and needy way, says Earth as he gives Kao a kiss again and takes his wrist from Kao's hand.

Earth: You can't forget about the outside world when you have two kids at home waiting for their father!... Don't forget that our son is still too young... I have to know how he is... It must be the nanny calling... Earth gets out of bed, goes to his pants, grabs his pants, takes the phone out of his pants pocket, sees the number, puts the phone in front of Kao.... Look, I was right! She's the one calling... Earth answers... Hello... Earth's eyes widen.... What did you say?!....

Kao seeing Earth's terrified look, gets out of bed and immediately approaches Earth talking at the same time.

Kao: Earth! Earth my love what do you have?!

Earth drops the phone on the floor, looks at Kao, terrified without thinking, without strength in his body, lowers himself down again, grabs the phone and his shirt, runs out of the bedroom, Kao screams and goes after him.

Earth: My son...!

Kao: What did you say?!... Earth! Earth waits! What happened, Earth?!...

Earth when leaving the bedroom, puts on his pants and shirt without stopping to walk fast, Kao behind him without understanding why Earth is behaving like that, terrified. Earth puts everything on, walks quickly to the room where the company's birthday party is taking place, Newyear and Both were no longer at the party, Ohm was talking to one of the guests, Fluke answered the twins' nanny's call, widens his eyes as he hear more or less what the nanny said, without letting the nanny finish talking looks immediately to the side sees Earth passing like a hurricane, quickly runs to Earth.

Fluke: Earth! Earth... Earth waits....

Ohm sees Earth go by fast, sees and looks at Fluke following Earth, worried, he tries to go to them but sees Kao running towards Earth, also without wasting time Ohm goes after him. Earth when leaving the party goes to his car, when trying to open the door, Fluke approaches him worried.

Fluke: Earth! Earth wait!... Fluke grabs Earth's wrist... Wait, there's no use in you running like this and staying the way you are.... Calm down first...

Earth pulls at his wrist and screams loudly, terrified and anguished.

Earth: What do you want me to do?! I want to go home now... I want to see my son and my daughter now.... I won't wait.

Earth opens the door immediately, gets in the car, starts the car, Fluke tried to walk around the other side of the car to try to get into the car.

Fluke: Wait Earth! I'll go with you... Earth! Earth... Dammit!... He never listens...

But there was no time, Earth left Fluke and ran with the car at full speed. Kao runs up to Fluke's side as he sees Earth's car leaving, worried about Earth, Maya and Neo.

Kao: Fluke where did Earth go?! What is happening?! Do you know?!..

Fluke very concerned about Earth and Earth's children.

(KaoEarth) The Force Of DestinyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang