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Two days later the police called Jiayi to have her come identify Mr. Wu's body. Qihe took her there after school. When they looked at the body it was obvious he'd been badly beaten, but the coroner said he had died of alcohol poisoning. From the police station they went to her house. She found the envelope Mr. Crane had told her about. Then she looked for the family seal, bank book and anything else that could be important.

"I need to get some boxes to pack our things.... Also since you're my betrothed, I'll continue living with you and Zan can stay with Lu He."

"That's good. I'll go get boxes. Want me to tell Zan about your dad?"

"Tell Lu He, let him decide when to tell Zan."

"Okay, I'll be back in a bit." Qihe left and called Lu He. "The cops had Jiayi ID her dad's body.  Also she's currently cleaning and packing at her place. Tell Zan, see if he plans to come and pack too, otherwise her and I can do it."

Lu He replied, "I'll text you if we're coming there."

Qihe got boxes of various sizes and then returned to the house Jiayi was in.  She'd cleaned up the mess her father had left; bottles, trash and take-out containers. Some of the knives and dishes she had stacked on the table, with the intent to take it to Qihe's place. The rest had been put in garbage bags. She assigned Qihe to go through her father's things and throw most of it into a garbage bag. Lu He texted that he and Zan were on the way over to help pack.

Together the four of them cleared out everything in the apartment.  Lu He loaded Zan's boxes into his car and Qihe did the same with Jiayi's things. Most of it was just clothing and books. Once the place was empty, Jiayi called the landlord and told him they'd moved out. The landlord refunded the rent for next month, that Mr. Wu had pre-paid. So Jiayi took them all out for dinner. They went for hotpot.

"What papers did you pick up?" Lu He asked.

"The most important are the custody papers. They state that mom has full custody of myself and Zan. Tomorrow I have to go back to the police station for the death certificate, then from there to the bank to close my dad's account."

"Did you find the family seal?"

"Yes.... I can't believe it's all finally over.  I don't know if I'm just relieved or happy that we can all move on."

Qihe put his arm around her shoulders. "Probably it's both. You two have had to deal with the abuse a long time, so it will take a bit to recover from it mentally."

Lu He nodded, "he's right. You guys have a bright future and it will be whatever you choose to make it."

"I'll either be a basketball star or an accountant," Zan announced.

"Those choices are on opposite ends of the career spectrum," Jiayi smiled. "I personally never thought of the future, just taking one day at a time. I don't even know what to take in college."

"I vote you become a professional chef!" Lu He suggested.

"You could become a coach or gym teacher, at delinquent schools," Qihe grinned.

Zan thought about it a few minutes, "you could be a body guard, since Lu He has those connections. Or join Qihe as an e-sports pro player!"

"Those are all good suggestions.  Professional chef or gym teacher both sound appealing, maybe I'll do a double major."

Qihe removed his arm and high-fived her. "I love how ambitious you are and I believe you could pull it off. I plan on going into business management for college. What about you Lu He?"

"I was thinking of becoming a police officer.  Wouldn't it be funny if I arrested you or dad?"

"Wont happen," Qihe laughed. "Mom would probably love it if you became a cop or something involving law."

"Guys, I was thinking, maybe we should all live together, it would be cheaper," Jiayi suggested suddenly.

"Hell NO!" Zan, Qihe and Lu He all said in unison, then burst out laughing.

"I think you're becoming the third brother Zan," Jiayi rolled her eyes. "All right, we will keep things as is."

"I'm so full, are you ready to head home?" Qihe asked.

"Yes, I'll just go pay the bill. Oh and Zan, here's some pocket money for you too." Jiayi gave him a wad of cash.

"Where'd this come from?"

"I found a container hidden at the very top of the pantry, maybe left over from mom? Anyway it was full of money. Lu He, take this as Zan's rent payment." She stuck it in the twin's pocket.

"Hey, take it back. I don't need rent, Zan cleans the house and stuff. We've worked it out between us." Lu He tried to return the cash.

"Then use it for food." Jiayi dodged his attempt to put the money in her pocket.

Qihe put an end to their scuffle. "Just take it. We'll see you sometime later in the week for our usual dinner date, maybe Sunday."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

That night at home Qihe and Jiayi celebrated and drank alcohol. It was the first time she had ever done that, always having been scared of turning into a drunk like her father, if she liked it. To Qihe's surprise she was a total lightweight, getting super giggly and suddenly affectionate. Not wanting to be a downer, he let her do whatever Jiayi wanted, as long as it didn't hurt her.

Jiayi gulped back another glass of beer, let out a loud belch and then crawled towards Qihe on the couch. "Do ya know how kissss-able you are?" Her words were drawn out and lazy.

She pushed him down on the couch. Then holding herself up with one hand, Jiayi began to unbutton his shirt. He tried to stop her, but she manhandled him and so he gave up.

"Demanding aren't you," it was a statement, not a question.

His shirt was spread wide and she began to kiss him all over. He tried to sit up and the hand Qihe got free, she used one finger like a lollipop. "What's gotten in to you? Damn you're making it really hard for me to behave."

The finger got pulled out of her mouth and Jiayi said simply, "then don't."

"I know better than to get involved with a drunk woman."

Jiayi sat up on his lap, legs straddled his hips. Her hands struggled, but she managed to lift her shirt over her head. "Too hot!"

"You've got that right," Qihe sighed. "Sitting here in just your bra is one hell of a temptation."

She lowered herself and they made skin on skin contact. Her mouth began kissing his neck, sucking on an earlobe and her tongue played with his earring. The kisses eventually made it to his lips. Right when Qihe was about to let go of his restraint, she passed out.

"Total lightweight. But I'm glad you stopped," Qihe groaned. "Your skin is feverish, I wonder if you're allergic to beer."

Shifting his hips on the couch he squirmed his way out from under Jiayi and rolled her onto a side. Then got his arms under her body, to lift her off the couch. He carried her to his room and put her into bed.  After getting a cold patch on her forehead, he went to have a shower. It ended up being a longer cold shower than he originally intended, because of replaying how she'd stalked him and pounced. Jiayi didn't even know how sexy that was and Qihe doubted she'd remember anything in the morning. Returning to the room, he got changed and went to do some gaming.  If he tried to be in bed with her now, he'd never sleep.  A few hours later, when Qihe finished gaming, Jiayi woke up. Still in her bra and jeans, she walked half awake to his kitchen, got a bottle of water and then went back to bed. Qihe decided gaming all night would be his only option.

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