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As they pulled up to Tao's apartment complex, Lu He called his girlfriend. "I'm out front with Qihe and my sister."

"I'll come out, Zan said he's coming too." Tao hung up and turned to Jiayi, "you can stay inside if you want."

"We'll handle it," Zan said reassuringly.

Tao lead and they saw the twins first and then the woman. "Zan is that her?"

"Yeah, she kissed Qihe and he let her."

Lu He noticed Jiayi's brother was standing feet planted, fists clenched and ready to fight.  Qihe saw that Tao too had defensive body language.

"I'm their sister, not just some girl."

Zan shouted angrily. "You seriously want us to believe that you're their sister?  You kissed him on the mouth!"

"I didn't slip him the tongue, it was just a peck!" Li na retorted.

Tao was the most calm and suggested, "she could show us her birth certificate."

Qihe finally stepped forward, "I told Jiayi about having an older sister.  She's been living overseas."

Jiayi had come outside and was partially hidden by Tao and Zan.  Now she stepped forward, ignoring the sister and Lu He. Quietly she asked, "tell me the truth Qihe, I want to see it."

Qihe moved past his brother and sister, staring straight into Jiayi's eyes. "Li na is my older sister by two years. The kiss on the mouth is an Australian thing.  It's how they greet friends and family."

Li na added, "when I was in South Africa, they do it there too."

"I believe you Qihe, but I need some time.  I'm staying at Tao's for now.  Zan I love you, but later tonight you're going back to Lu He's. I'm not attending school tomorrow, I'll call in sick." Jiayi turned to their sister, "sorry for the misunderstanding."

"You have nothing to be sorry about, but I do.  I hope you'll give me a chance to get to know you before I leave."

Lu He asked, "you're leaving again? How long are you here for?"

"Four days here and then I'm visiting mom for three days, before flying out to Europe.  I'm filming in a few different locations."

Having calmed down, Zan asked, "are you an actress?"

"Yes.  I'll find you one of my most recent posters and sign it if you want, you're family after all."

Zan hastily said, "just don't kiss me on my mouth or your Dad might get mad."

Li na, the twins and Tao smiled.  Jiayi began to walk to the front door of the apartment complex.

Qihe asked, "will you call me tomorrow Jiayi?"

"Maybe after school."  She bowed to Li na and then went inside.

"I hope I can regain her trust," Qihe was depressed.

"Give it a day or two and don't be mad if she doesn't call you tomorrow," Tao advised.

Li na put her arm across her brother's shoulder, "I'm sorry for causing trouble."

Lu He gave Tao a quick kiss himself, which surprised his sister. "Wait! Are you gay now?"

"Would that be so bad?" Lu He got defensive.

"No, I think that's awesome, but dad will freak out.  If he exiles you, I've got an extra room in my apartment."

"In Australia?" Zan asked.

"Yes, he wouldn't be safe anywhere closer to dad."

Tao intervened. "I'm female, just prefer to look gender neutral."

"She can fight better than most men too," Zan contributed.

"I'm liking you more and more.  Next time I have more days off, we should go clubbing together." Li na grinned, "I'd love to hang out with you."

Lu He smiled and waved good-bye to Zan and Tao, then got into his car with the rest of his siblings.  After they'd driven off, Zan and Tao went to see how Jiayi was. The container of chocolate ice cream was almost finished.

"Do you want to drink now?" Tao asked.

"Sure why not."

"Can I have some too?" Zan was hopeful.

"One shot or one beer, make your choice," Jiayi offered.

"I'll have a beer. Quick Tao hand it over, before she changes her mind."

"Relax I won't. Today you earned the privilege."

"We'll start with shots of Baijiu," Tao announced.

"Do you have a bottle of Erguotou?" Jiayi asked.

"Of course. I keep a six or so on hand in case someone like you visits."

"I love you, you're the best friend ever," Jiayi grinned.

"That almost sounded sarcastic," Tao complained.

"No way, if she's sarcastic it's like getting a snake bite and a smack in the back of the head," Zan laughed.

"Both of you shut up and let's drink."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~**

Qihe was dragged out with his sister and twin.  As usual Li na teased the twins about wearing masks all the time, but he didn't care. With his hoodie over his head, Qihe tried to hide from the world, but his sister was having none of that. Lu He was humouring her and tried to run interference.  After they ate, Li na wanted to go drinking, so they dropped Qihe at home.  After snuggling and playing with the kitten, to get his mind off of what had happened that day, he went online and began gaming. He stayed away from DOTA, specifically because that was Jiayi's favourite game.

At 4 am, Lu He sent a picture message of Li na with her face in his toilet.  Zan was in the picture, because he was holding her hair out of the way. The next text was from Zan, who sent a picture of Jiayi passed out among a bunch of alcohol bottles. The caption said something about sisters being bad at drinking a lot. When no further updates came, Qihe returned to gaming. It would be one of those times he wouldn't sleep at all that night, but maybe in class.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now