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Qihe overheard some teachers talking about a rumble between two schools of delinquents in a neighbouring district.  He had to look up online what a rumble was and found out it was a brawl between gangs.  There was nothing else going on, so Qihe told his whole gang to find out where the fight was going to happen and then they'd all go check it out.  Word travelled fast about the huge fight, so that even Lu He at the other school knew about it.  He asked his brother where and when it would happen, so he could stay away from that area.  Bohai warned Suyin too, who asked Qihe why he was getting involved.  His answer was "because I'm Mafia Boy," and it made her roll her eyes.  They ended up having a verbal dispute about it, causing Qihe to just walk away.  In truth he was simply really bored and needed some action.

Unknown to Qihe, Suyin followed him and the gang.  Lu He saw them both and trailed behind, curious what was gong on.  As they neared the area where the brawl was going to happen, Lu He began to realize why Qihe's girlfriend was following him.  His suspicions of her grew exponentially.  He needed proof before he could tell his twin, but taking a video of her tailing Mafia Boy's crew, wasn't enough.

The fight was going down in a park, so there was plenty of room to clash, without immediate interference from authorities.  His gang asked what they were supposed to do.

Qihe smiled, "just enjoy the show.  I'll make my presence known to both leaders.  Either the three of us fight, or the winning gang does.  You only fight with me, if I call you to."

"Awe that's no fun," Bohai complained.

"Some of you still haven't healed from our last gang fight, I don't want to draw attention to us if you end up in hospital because of it."

"Alright, we'll obey... for now."  The basketball court gang answered for them all.

Both sides of the fight were waiting on guys to show up.  Qihe walked into the middle of the area, between the two sides. "I'm Mafia Boy.  Your leaders can either just fight me at the same time or the winner of this gang brawl can take on my guys later."

"Fuck you Mafia Boy, this isn't in your district."

Qihe raised an eyebrow, "sounds like you want me to smash in your teeth."

The other side, who's leader stepped forward, accepted the challenge. "I'll fight without my gang, I'll kick his ass and yours!"

"The hell you will asshole.  Fine, I'll fight you two alone too."

"No one from any gang can stop this or interfere.  Agreed?" Qihe shouted as he warmed up.


"You heard him boys! When I win, I'll be Emperor of all the local districts!"

The three guys walked to the centre of the field, they stood facing each other in a triangle formation.  Qihe attacked without warning, throwing a kick at one and a punch at the other.  The fight had begun and the two opponents ganged up on him.  It's exactly what Qihe wanted.  He barely heard what the guys from the gangs shouted in encouragement to their respective leaders.  Qihe was both relaxed and focused, efficiently attacking and defending.  The leader who had stepped forward first, was a better fighter than the shit-talker, but both were no where near the level of Mafia Boy.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Meanwhile Suyin was hiding behind a tree and zoomed in on the three guys fighting.  She gave commentary on the video being filmed via her cell phone. "Mafia Boy Qihe is fighting the leaders of two gangs, all of whom are from a different district."

Lu He had climbed a tree close to where Qihe's girlfriend was recording the fight.  He could hear everything she said, while having a good view of the fighting and surrounding park.  It made him sad, that Suyin wasn't really loving Qihe the way she seemed to.  She appeared to only be interested in what he did as Mafia Boy.  Lu He looked over at his brother and he had to admit that his twin was a superb fighter.  Too bad he chose to keep it on the street, rather than take his skill into a MMA ring.  In some ways his brother was very much like his father and that scared him.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Qihe's gang came forward and threatened the gathering guys, "don't even think of retaliating for your downed leaders."

"Are they dead Mafia Boy?"

Qihe laughed, "of course not.  They're unconscious, broken in some spots too.  Take them to a hospital to get fixed up.  If either of your gangs want to take me on together or alone, DM me through Instagram."

"They were our leaders because they kicked all of our asses to be that.  Just like you did with your guys.  You wining here today, means you're our leader now."

Bohai grinned, "this guy is smart.  Dude, you're right and I wish I had been as smart as you back when I met Mafia Boy."  Everyone laughed.

"When your Captains wake up, have them reach out to me or my enforcers will come visit them."

The two gangs bowed to him, "yes SIR!"

"Let's go play basketball," Qihe raised a finger on his right hand, while waving it in a circle above his head.  It was a signal to round up the crew and move out.

"Mafia Boy, your pinky looks dislocated, want me to set it?" Bohai asked.

"I didn't notice... oh my left hand... nope I can set it myself, no big deal." Qihe did exactly that, without even wincing in pain.

Bohai shook his head, "there's no one like you Boss.  Are you meeting up with my sister later?"

"Not tonight, she needs to cool down a little."

"You two fight about this gang shit?"

"Yup, but I won't stop fighting for anyone; not her or any other girl, not my friends, not my twin and not family.  This is not just what I do, but who I am."  He shrugged and then turned his back on Bohai, continuing to walk towards the basketball courts.

"Mafia Boy is so damn cool," one of the guys said in awe.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Lu He wasn't surprised when a tabloid shared a video of the Mafia Boy fight online.  It went viral and that disgusted Lu He even more, because it was Qihe's girlfriend who had submitted the video.  It was too easy to hack the tabloid's account.  He found out that Suyin wasn't just a one time submitter, doing it for fame and a little cash.  Suyin was not to be trusted and he needed to prove that to his twin.

When Qihe had seen the tabloid's post, he had laughed, with no concern about who had taken the video.  However, he did get a call from his father and so once again he was going to be working security jobs after school.  That was the only thing that made him regret that video going viral. 

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now