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Lu He and Qihe went to school together, but split up at the gates. Lu He went to look for Chyou and Qihe went to the courtyard to wait for his gang. Qihe noticed a girl coming towards him.

"I like you," the girl suddenly announced.

He was impressed with how bold she was, but replied, "I don't like you." Turning his back on her, he headed into the school.

"Then I'll try again!" She yelled after him.

He turned around and walked backwards, had he flirted with her before?  He couldn't recall. His gang arrived and distracted Qihe.

"Boss, someone tagged our hangout spot with spray paint."

"Find out who?"

"Not yet.  Shorty is keeping watch, but mostly because he wants to skip classes today."

"He's going to be held back a year if he keeps doing that," Qihe sighed.

"It's the only way he can delay working construction with his dad."

One of the guys glanced over his shoulder and then turned around completely.  It alerted Qihe. "What's wrong?"

"I thought I saw a girl taking a picture of us, but no one is around.  I can't shake the feeling of being watched."

"Ignore him Boss, he's been like this all morning."

"I'll see you boys after school. I'm going to class," Qihe announced and then left.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Qihe was walking down the street after school let out for the day.  Instinct told him someone was following him and when he casually glanced to confirm, he saw the girl from earlier in the morning tailing him.  He stopped walking and turned around.

"Don't follow me." It was a warning, not a threat.

He continued on in his original direction, but she didn't listen.  It wasn't until he met up with the group of guys that were his gang, that she finally turned and ran away.  Qihe saw her go and then with a shrug, turned back to his friends.

"Do you have a stalker Boss?"

"More like another fan girl, right?"

To the surprise of everyone, she came running back wielding a broom.  She put herself between him and the guys, then scolded. "You... Don't mess around!"

His gang all laughed, ignoring her and looked over the girl's head. "Boss, is this your wife?"

She turned to Qihe, still holding the broom and asked with puzzlement, "Boss? Wife?"

Qihe took the broom from her and dropped it, before faced the guys. "Don't talk nonsense.  Let's go see Shorty and then play basketball."

The guys put their arms around him and they walked off together.

Looking at their backs, she repeated while giggling happily, "he called me wife."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **


When Qihe and his gang arrived where Shorty was, they saw him fighting a few guys. One of which yelled, "it's Mafia Boy, about time!"

Qihe gave a signal to the guys with him to attack and they ran forward to help Shorty. The challengers were doing better than most.  One guy that was taller than the rest of his crew, pushed past and came towards Qihe.

"You Mafia Boy?"

Qihe rose an eyebrow in response, taking his hands out of his pockets.

"You hospitalized my younger brother.  It's payback time now."

"I beat up a lot of guys, which one was your brother?"

Shorty answered, "the guy who was bullying Xiang Shao."

"Oh I remember, I smashed his nose down his throat."

The older brother growled and rushed at Qihe. "I'll make you pay asshole!"

Qihe dodged the first punch and threw a kick to the back of the guy's leg.  Each time he dodged a punch, he kicked the same spot.  It didn't take long for the guy to start limping.  Ducking under a punch, Qihe threw a few fast punches of his own at the kidneys and an elbow sunk into the liver. Glancing at his guys, they were all dominating their fights. That one moment of distraction, allowed the older brother to land a punch on Qihe's jaw.  It was time to finish off the attacker. Another kick to the tenderized leg and it buckled.  Qihe stomped down hard on the knee and the older guy screamed.

"Relax, it's only dislocated, I didn't crush your knee cap."

"Boss why'd you go easy on him?"

"He managed to punch me, I gave him credit for that.  No one's done that to me in a long time, it was a fun fight."

"Fuck you asshole!"

Qihe bent down, squatting on his heals, voice dangerously calm, "I can break all the bones in your body if you prefer."


"Sorry what?"

"Sorry sir? Sorry Mafia Boy sir!"

"That's better.  Let's go guys, this fight is over." Qihe stood up and signalled his gang to follow.  

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now