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Qihe saw Ping with Xiang Shao and went to say hello. "That coffee you got me, it's from my favourite place!  How did you know Ping?  And the bamboo plant is growing well."

"I remember seeing a coffee cup from that place in your car.  And bamboo plants are easy to take care of and very hardy.  It was actually Xiang Shao who helped me pick out the plant."

"How are things between you two?"

"Good.  When are we having another basketball game?" Ping had warned him not to mention Lu He's name in Qihe's presence or Xiang Shao might never talk to his brother again.

"One on one can be even today, but a money game at your fave court will have to wait until next Thursday.  I'm working security right after school, every day and on weekends too."

"Don't over work or you'll get sick," Ping cautioned.

Qihe winked at her, "yes mom." He had to stay busy to not dwell on the recent betrayal.

"It's kind of good that Dad's focusing on you, because he's been nicer to me lately." Xiang Shao admitted with a chuckle.

"Are you throwing me under the bus?"


Qihe put his half-brother in a head lock and Ping just shook her head at their antics.  She was glad to see Qihe acting more like his past self.  He had even invited them both to sleep over that weekend, but Ping had to work the late shift, so it was only Xiang Shao that would be there.  They would probably stay up gaming anyway.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

To Qihe's annoyance the security gig his father had set up, was on the same set that Lu He was currently filming a new drama.  Everyone was on edge, because someone was sending inappropriate and threatening gifts to the cast.  Since it wasn't being just a bodyguard and the situation was serious, Qihe stayed on the job.  The filming was happening all night long, while there were fewer people around, which made Qihe more cautious to not bump into his brother. If he saw him again, he might loose is cool and punch out Lu He.

The walkie-talkie crackled to life. "Suspicious looking person dressed in black, seen in the back lot, where the stunt cars are kept."

Qihe was close to the area and replied, "I'll check it out, stand-by for report."

With flashlight in hand, Qihe went from car to car and saw no one.  He even laid down on the ground to see if someone was hiding under a car. "All clear, no intruder found.  I'll sweep the perimeter too."

Checking high and low, including looking for foot prints, Qihe couldn't find evidence of anything suspicious and returned to the security booth.  There was no video proof of anyone either, so the alert was dismissed.

"How many times has a cast member received a threat?" He asked the head of security.

"The female lead got white flowers covered in pig's blood.  The male lead, your twin, received razor blades and a bag of feces.  There have been verbal voice messages threatening bombs, which shut down production for hours yesterday.  The police are investigating, but are understaffed, so probably won't get any results.  Today the lead characters are doing a stunt involving cars, that's why we're all on high alert."

"Could it be a fellow disgruntled actor or employee of the production company?"

"Maybe, but after the pig blood incident, everyone here had a background check done, including all of us.  If it's an inside job, they aren't the average crazy person."

Boss Crane had not said anything about the razor blades and shit.  This was a little more dangerous, than Qihe originally thought.  He knew Lu He would've already tried finding the culprit using his hacking skills. "I'll go chat to the stunt co-ordinator and the stand-ins."

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora