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It was Ping who finally found Qihe, as Xiang Shao had told her that the twins had a bad fight.  Lu He hadn't shared details, but Ping thought it might have to do with Suyin.  When she found him, Qihe was on the roof of his school.  Sitting down beside him, she waited quietly with one hand close to his side, palm up.  Eventually his hand came to rest on top and he laced his fingers through hers.  They sat like that for an hour, not talking, not moving, just together.

"Thank you Ping."

She smiled, "instinct told me you might be here.  Whatever it is that has made you upset, you can talk to me about it any time or not.  Just like how you always are there for me.  And I know how debilitating pain can be."

Qihe took a deep breath and then blurted. "Lu He and Suyin betrayed me at the same time.  He's dead to me and so is she."


"You were right about her and I never thought he could do this to me.  But then once he even ratted me out to our father."

"I can't imagine the pain and turmoil you're in."

"My guess that it's the same thing you felt, the day you chose to die."

"Can I hug you?"

He turned his upper body towards Ping and rested his head on her shoulder.  Her embrace was warm and calming, but couldn't ease the hurt.  His arms returned the hug and she then let go.

"Where's Xiang Shao?"

"With Lu He, because I said I was loyal to you.  Don't worry he and I are fine, but since you have me, he decided to see how your twin was."

"For the future, don't even mention Lu He's name to me." Qihe stood up and offered his other hand to her. "Come with me and I'll show you my new apartment."

"So you did it, just like you said.  Wow... you're an amazing person Qihe."

"If I'm so amazing, then why does everyone betray me?  Why do the people I love, always hurt me?"

"Because only they can.  If it was someone doing the same things, that you didn't care about, it wouldn't hurt at all.  I think you saved me back then, so I could help you now.  And I won't ever betray you, I swear on my life."

"You've become my best friend, which is hard for anyone to do.  You're welcome at my place any time, even if it's to escape your own home life." Qihe said as he lead her off the roof.

"Thanks, but I've been learning how to deal with my family.  I hope that I won't need to take you up on that offer." Ping's cell phone rang and she answered it, but immediately put her finger to her lips, signalling for Qihe to be silent as she put the call on speaker phone. "Hello Lu He, what's up?"

"Xiang Shao said you're looking for my brother, have you found him yet?"

"No, but then I don't know all the places that Qihe hangs out.  Have you asked his crew?"

"Yes.  Bohai has them all searching for him too.  If you do find him, call me please or tell your boyfriend.  It's all about a misunderstanding between us twins."

Ping watched Qihe mouth the word 'bullshit' and it made her cough. "Okay.  I'll text him that."

"Thanks.  I'll be with Xiang Shao until around 7pm.  Bye."

Qihe watched her hit the end icon on her cell, before speaking. "I appreciate you not telling him we're together."

"Do you really think what he said was a lie?"

"Right now I don't know and I don't care.  He pushed me too far this time."

Ping could see it was getting him agitated again and she had worked hard to calm him down. "You were going to show me your new place?  I'll get you a house warming gift."

"We'll take a taxi.  I've got no food, do you want me to call ahead for delivery?"

"Sure... .  Since you have an ID that says you're 18 years old, can we get some alcohol?"

He raised an eyebrow, but nodded in agreement. "We'll go get that first, then call a taxi."

She gave him her hoodie, "put this on so none of your gang sees you with me.  I can't believe they'd report back to Lu He.  I always thought your gang was loyal to you."

"Maybe some guys are, but I'm the Boss because I fought their leaders and won.  They fear me as Mafia Boy, they might respect me too, but I'm sure majority are not loyal."

"So who do you trust from everyone you know?"

"Now?" He saw her nod confirmation and then answered, "just you and maybe Xiang Shao."

"I know he wants to stay neutral, since it was only recently he's come to have siblings.  But Xiang Shao might try to reunite you two, because of that."

"I appreciate your honesty and I won't make you choose between us."

Ping stopped walking and stared straight into his eyes. "We both know who I would choose and love has nothing to do with it."

Qihe smiled and the warmth did reach his eyes. "I promise Ping, you won't have to give up your love for Xiang Shao, to remain my best friend."

"And that's exactly why I would."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

With help from Ping, everyone stopped looking for Qihe and left him alone.  At school people stayed out of his way, because a dark cloud hung over him.  Word had spread like wild fire, that Suyin betrayed him and left school due to their break up.  Bohai didn't say differently, as he was scared to approach Mafia Boy.

Qihe put a hand on his enforcer's shoulder. "I've got no beef with you Bohai, as you did try to warn me not to date your sister."  His whole crew he'd called together, outside of school. "As long as no one crosses me, we won't have a problem.  Anyone who thinks I shouldn't be the Boss anymore, can fight me any time."

Bohai bowed to Qihe. "Mafia Boy is the only Boss I will follow."

The rest of the guys did the same, even the other enforcer, who had been the leader of the basketball court gang.  Qihe knew his second enforcer was reporting back to Boss Crane, but didn't really care about it.  That guy would always have Qihe's back, or face Boss Crane's wrath.

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

After Xiang Shao left, Lu He called Chyou.  He talked to her overseas for two hours.  She calmed him down and agreed that he had done the right thing in protecting his twin and family.

"Lu He you need to just leave Qihe alone, give him time and space.  A break up is hard enough, without the betrayal he witnessed.  And I'm not talking about your misunderstanding, I'm referring to Suyin."

"I know you're right.  But he moved out!  Why won't he just talk to me?"

"Pain makes people blind and distrustful.  If you told him right now, he wouldn't believe you anyway.  If the situation was reversed, would you want to see or talk to him?"

"No.  Thanks for being the voice of reason."

"Did his gang find him okay?"

"Actually our half-brother's girlfriend said he contacted her.  He threatened the lives of anyone bothering him about me or Suyin.  Everyone stood down.  He hasn't talked to Xiang Shao, but Ping said he's okay."

"I'm glad he has someone he trusts by his side."

"I just hope he doesn't get entrenched in the mafia business.  Dad will manipulate him, for personal gains."

Chyou sighed. "Lu He, your twin has handled your father in the past and even told you so.  I don't think he'll do anything he doesn't want to.  Don't worry about that or him, focus on yourself."

"I miss you Chyou."

"I miss you too.  Stay strong my love."

"I'll try and come visit you over break.  I love you too." 

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveWhere stories live. Discover now