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Although Jiayi did return to school and even continued to sit beside Qihe, she was quiet and projected a cold aura. Her temper was easily triggered, which was accompanied by almost vicious retorts. Everyone stayed away from her, even the teachers didn't call on Jiayi to answer questions or participate in class. Qihe was just glad he was able to see her, as she was still staying at Tao's. He tried to be calm and not burden her, but after school let out, his way of venting his frustration was delivered via his fists. Out of character, he picked fights, the more people he could punch the better. His gang always backed him up, but they too were walking on eggshells around him.

After a particularly bad fight, Qihe had been taken to the hospital for stitches. Lu He was notified by one of the gang members. He went to the hospital to give his twin a ride home. "Do you have a death wish? Jiayi said she believed you, but that incident with our sister knocked you down off the pedestal she had created. It's not the end of the world, so why are you acting like this?"

"How else am I supposed to find release?  She doesn't talk to me at all.  I don't know how to fix this.  And she LIED too!" Qihe was agitated and took it out on his brother. "Jiayi said she'd always love me no matter what happened in our future.  How is her living with Tao, loving me?"

"You're being a child and throwing a tantrum! Have you even tried rebuilding her trust or do you just expect unconditional love from everyone?"

"Shut up." Qihe knew Lu He was right and that irritated him.

"Do I need to plan an intervention?"

"Just leave me alone Lu He," Qihe signed the paperwork brought by a nurse.  He put on his shirt and got up to leave.

Lu He took a deep breath and let it out. "Come on, I'll take you home." Knowing his twin was an emotional mess, Lu He tried to explain how to regain Jiayi's trust. "Ask her to tell you how she felt about what happened and listen to what she says, without giving your opinion. You know she loves you, but why did your alleged betrayal of trust hurt her so much?  Ask her what she needs from you, to start rebuilding that trust.  Forgive yourself first, then so will she.  Maybe introduce her to our step-brother too, so there are no more secrets about our extended family. And don't forget to sincerely apologize."

"I know all that, but I don't want to pressure her.  If she doesn't come back on her own, were we really meant to be together forever?"

"That's a wise point, but fighting all the time, won't help the situation.  If you really do get hurt, you'll just be forcing her to come to you anyway."

"Lu He, you're the voice of reason and thanks."

"Loving someone as completely as she has with you, is new to her.  Qihe, not even Tao has a hold on her heart and soul, like you do.  Fighting and working through hardship is all part of being in a healthy relationship. Communicate with her.  If you can't verbally talk to Jiayi, write a letter, sing a song, whatever, just don't stop trying." Lu He also added, "Tao is working to get Jiayi to talk about her feelings and start moving forward.  Neither of you can give up, because if you do that now, you might as well take off that engagement ring."

** ~ ~ ~ ~ ~**~ ~ ~ ~ ~ **

Qihe hand wrote a letter to Jiayi about what happened, his apology and feelings.  His reflections on their situation included his fear that they'd become like his mother and father.  He even told her how he'd felt when Lu He had betrayed him, which was another time of mistaken destruction of trust.  In the letter he also asked if they could spend some alone time and talk things through. Then he updated her about the kitten and all the silly things it did. With the letter, which ended up being many pages long, Qihe sent a potted Forget-Me-Not (Hound's Tongue) flower.

MAFIA BOY and MASK MAN:  Live to LoveМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя