Hollywood where the devil himself lives

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We had finally arrived to our last destination, we only now had to get in get mom and get out and figure out how to get the lighting bolt back to Zeus. That would be more easily said then done and I wish Luke had been there. Wishing that I'd stayed with him at camp. But now we've come so far, and only had until midnight to get it back. Now, we were entering the belly of the beast of Hade's himself. To get our mother back and get out safe and sound.

We got out of the car and went up the Hollywood sign, and switched the letters in Greek to English to tell us where Hade's lair was being hidden. Turns out, it was a message to tell us how to get into the lair, as dirt from the ground shifted to make a make shift doorway. As we cautiously went on our way in. Jack, please, I need you to stay here. No way. Yes, Jack, trust me you're "dead" body will melt once you step in there, and if you want to protect me you need to wait out here, where its safe.

Please promise me that you'll wait here. I promise, just please be carful. We will. Once we left the door closed behind us, there was no turning back now. We gave the boat man the coins we'd taken back at Medusa's and he gave a ride through the Underworld to get to Hade's palace. The place was really depressing, and I could only just start to feel the heat as it got hotter and hotter. Glad Jack wasn't there. I didn't want to be there either.

But despite how hot it was down there, the inside of the palace was a master piece. But one I never wanted to see even once in my life, let alone again. Beautiful, but deadly. His pets came to come give us a welcome entrance. They would've mulled us if given the chance. Turns out they were Hell Hounds, they didn't look like dogs to me though, they looked like panthers.

Hade's wife was impressed with Grover, and was intrigued by him, and she was beautiful as she probably was deadly and a prisoner of her own husband who didn't even love her. She led us to Hade's himself. Wondering what was taking her so long to bring us. Btu she didn't care there was nothing he could do to her, she was already in Hell.

Looking at him in human form he didn't seem like a bad guy. He recognized Percy and I right away. Niece and Nephew. He got up from his chair to inspect us. Welcome, he said welcoming us with open arms. His style of clothing I was digging, the fact he took our mother and treated his wife poorly was a huge turn off, he was not someone to be messed with. But then again neither were we. In many ways I am my father's daughter.

He seemed to think we looked just like our father. And when Grover mentioned that he didn't expect him to look like a man he transformed into his demon form, and we all complained that we preferred his human form better. As he changed back. You both are very brave coming here and making your other protector wait outside. Now come closer. He tells us that this wasn't his plan that he'd been banned by our father to be here.

That, he's surprised that Luke wasn't with me. What do you know about Luke? I'll tell you in a moment, but for now.... The only way to get out was to rule over Olympus, and that he needed the bolt and we needed our mother, seemed like we'd came to a good understanding. He tried to tell him the truth, that we weren't the lightning thief. That he don't have it and that we never did, that we hoped that if we came here and proved our innocence that he'd let our mother go.

He seemed to think we had the bolt and we had to give it to him or say goodbye to our mother. As he smashed an orb that had her inside. And smoke appeared and so did our mother. Safe and sound. We ran to hug her, and the moment Percy dropped the shield the bolt was there. Then we all turned away, and saw the bolt.

That we had no idea was in the shield. We found out that this was Luke's doing. No, it can't be Luke wouldn't hurt me! Of course he wouldn't not unless I made a deal with him! What did you do? You see, I was in the neighborhood for an apprentice, and Luke came to me, I made him pass a test, to prove his loyalty, but he was acting as a spy, that I knew all along, and that once he knew I'd found out, I was ready to kill him, him or the person he loved most, which was you.

He said he'd do anything to protect you. Talked about how much he loved you. I made him go and steal it, and find someone to bring it to me, in order to cause a war between the G-Ds. And here you are, he was a puppet and I the puppet master, he's the not the villain here, I am. He does love you, oh so very much you don't even know, and everything he did was to protect you.

Everything Luke said to be before we came on this trip suddenly made sense, that matter what I was told, or found out that he did, that he loved me, and was only trying to protect me, and that I'd understand someday what he was talking about, and now was that time. He didn't set us up, he was set up too. He saved my life. But cost him his own. And when Hade's tried to feed us to the souls of his fire to the Underworld his wife kissed him stealing the bolt from him.

She saved us, and zapped Hade's with the bolt. She could've killed him, but you can't kill something that's not living. She explained to us why she did what she did and we saw where she was coming from, he was cruel and abusive and if what happened with the G-Ds succeeded, she'd be left as Hade's prisoner forever. When we only had 4 for 5 of us, Grover decided he would have to stay since he was the protector.

That we'd go to Olympus, and give the bolt back. We crushed the pearls and we exited, We'd have to come back for Grover and Jack. We disappeared in smoke to our destination. All the bad things we were hoping that would never come were beginning to start and there would be nothing we could do about it. But, we'd made it to Olympus, and I couldn't wait to see Luke again, and thank him for what he did, even if he had to frame Percy for taking the bolt he had done it to save and protect me, he loved me and didn't want anyone to get hurt that this would've been the only way that Hade's wouldn't had killed me.

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