Medusa's Garden

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Soon we arrived in our first spot where our first official peal was supposed to be. We walk in and call out to someone anyone, but there was no one there to greet us. We saw a sign that said free sodas but, before I could call out to Anna and Grover that I wouldn't do that, they already opened it, and rats were in it. If you'd given me a moment I would've told you not to open that, besides who knows how long its been since someone worked here or put real soda in that thing. Anna lead us further in, as we picked up coins from the fountain wondering how we were gonna find a pearl in this place. Yeah, that's kind of the problem it could be literally anywhere in this place. So much for the map. Hey, it got us here didn't it, it's better then nothing. Percy decides it will be best if we split up. You and Anna go together, Jack and Grover go together, I'll go alone. Be carful we don't know who or what could be lurking around in this garden.

Sis, this place is abandoned. But Perce, think about it, these gnomes had to be made somehow, couldn't they? And no one's here that's even more suspicious. It will be fine. So we split up, I run after Anna, and stick by her, a woman from out of nowhere comes and grabs at us from behind, warning us that someone is coming. But while we get pulled away by this crazy lady, Grover and Jack see Grover's uncle, and he discovers that we're in the lair of Medusa.

Grover and Jack call for the rest of us, Percy is the only one that hears them, and he starts getting worried. My sister was right he whispers to himself. Percy runs after Grover and Jack, the crazy woman has a tight grip on our hands running with us and doesn't tell us who we're running from or where we're going or what's going on. The boys all run into each other Percy lands on the floor. They both in perfect panicked sync tell him that we were in Medusa's lair. Once Percy realizes this, they run after us calling our names.

We have our own problems. We come face to face with the woman ourselves, and we're told not to move. She doesn't let go of our grip. And now we're starting to figure out, just who we've been running from. As I cling to Annabeth for my life. Hey, hey Farrah it's ok, she's not gonna hurt us. Don't be scared use your powers if you have to. Ah Annabeth daughter of Athena and Farrah Jackson, daughter of Poseidon himself, twin sister of Percy Jackson. How do you know us? Anna asks her. She tells us her tale. And we all had to shut our eyes so that we wouldn't be turned to stone.

With one wrong move the crazy lady that dragged us here against our will opens her eyes the slightest bit, and gets turned into stone her arms still clinging to us. While this happens the guys come up with a plan to get us out of there, without directly looking into her eyes. She uses her snakes to try and make Anna look at her, she resists. She gives up on her and comes to me. Her slimy silky evil snakes moving over my body, like the feeling of my brother's hand feeling my tail, that same kind of feeling. But I don't open my eyes.

I know one power that will work, I scream for Percy, then tell Anna to cover her ears. I can't one hand is trapped. Then brace yourself. I open my mouth to do my siren yell, and Medusa goes flying back, and away from us. Siren powers huh? She get's back up. You remind so much like your father. You leave her alone! Leave them both alone! Oh, is that another demi G-D? I can sense you, you know. Run Percy run! He takes off running in the opposite direction.

She knows who he is, and places her hand on one of her statues, and tells him she dated our dad, and pushes them down into near where he's hiding. And back with us, Jack and Grover show up, need a hand? Grover asks us. Yes please, thanks guys. When we break away, the woman's tight grip had left a mark on our arm. But we didn't care about that right now, we needed to go help Percy. She says she also wants the lightning bolt and wants to see it, but he tells her he doesn't have it. Fine then your sister must have it. Leave her alone, she doesn't have it either.

He keeps his eyes closed the whole time, her snakes start to wriggle around on his face, as her hands play around his face too. Across his face, and trailing down his neck, as he moves his head as far back as possible. Good thing the rest of us find the big red truck and interrupt what almost happened. He almost opened his eyes, he was almost a statue too. But its hard for Anna to drive when she can't see, I closed my eyes anyways, Jack holding me close, calming me down so that I was so scared, and me rubbing my fingers over the necklace wishing Luke had been there too. It's ok, Snowflake, you're ok, we're gonna be ok. Is everyone ok? Anna asks us. Yeah, we're ok. Percy is nowhere to be found after that mess, she looks for him, he comes up behind her and chops her head off with his pen sword. He gets his stuff back, and tells us its ok to open our eyes now. We all get out of the car and I run to him. I hug him tightly. It's ok, we're safe now. We need to take the head with us. EW no gross.

Why? Because dead or alive the eyes still work, who know when that will come in handy again. We pick the head up and put it somewhere safe, when Percy notices that that one of the pearls is stuck in her bracelet. He digs it out and now, 2 down and 2 more to go, well really one and 2 more, but you know I've got my own. We get back into the red truck and go on our way. I wish you're little boyfriend warned us about Medusa. Hey, maybe he didn't know. So, Where to next? Next stop Tennessee.

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