Camp half blood

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When my brother woke up, we were in the infirmary of Camp Half-Blood. Grover was by his side. I was placed into a bed next him. A bowl of water at my feet, a nice clod washcloth on my head. So of course after having water touch me, and me in no control on if I could transform or not, and now since we were in the magic world anyways I wouldn't have that control, water hits me I turn. Right now with Percy awake, he was starting to believe it. He freaked out when he saw my (tail)Wh-where am I? Where's Farrah? How'd we get here? What happened to our mom? Why does Farrah have a mermaid tail? Percy calm down. I'm so glad you're both alive. In front of him stood Grover in full Satyr form. Now, as for your questions, let's see in order, with one exception, because we'll tell you that later, but anyways you're in Camp Half -Blood's infirmary, Farrah is right here next to you in mermaid form, so pretty much in her true form you might say, myself and Jack carried you both in here during the night, and so obviously the reason for your sister's tail is because of being a mermaid.

Her true form? He slowly reached out and ran his hand of my scales. It's kind of pretty. I twitched at the sudden feeling. Hey, be careful. Let her sleep. Why'd she twitch like that? Well, Percy she's still your sister a mermaid tail would be like having feet. It feels weird. Feels weird to her probably too since she's probably not used to someone touching her tail. Heh, she's kind of like a fish out of water.

She moves around like.... Like when I tickle her. She's gonna hurt you. No she won't. Well if she doesn't she'll at least freeze you. I'll take my chances. And to make things worse, on us both, me with more laughter and him to be frozen. He'd gone ahead and reached up to run his hand over my sides and stomach. I couldn't help but start giggling. Perce stop! I cried laughing. You're gonna wanna listen to her. She can't hurt me. No, but she can.... Do that.... Hey? Let me go.

I'd trapped his hands in ice bonds. I rubbed my tired, now filled with mirth teared eyes, of sleep and laughter, sitting up in the "bed." The guys did warn you Percy. Next time you should listen to them. That's a warning, next time, I'll put you in ice stocks. You don't want that trust me. Yep, take it from Jack he'd know best.

You've been unconscious for three days. Three days? Oh no! We're running out of time! Time for what? No, no, no this is not good! Farrah what's going on? I'll explain later. Right now we need to get out of here. I tried to get up, but I was still in too much pain. Don't worry Snowflake, I'll help you. But you're gonna have to let me touch you. But your hands are freezing. You don't usually complain. I'm not complaining. What's he talking about? Jack has the same powers as us, but his specialty is more with ice, snow and frost rather than water.

But he can also heal things. You trust me don't you? Do I have a choice, you're my protector? And your best friend. You know aside from my brother. Great, can you get these ice cubes off of me? Just break them Perce. Do what now? Pull them apart, break out of them. Here I'll show you. I quickly trapped Jack's hands with the ice, as he pulled his hands apart and ice flew everywhere, but melting right away.

Your turn. That's easy though that's ice, he's Jack Frost. Wait, you both have different last names. Aren't you supposed to be brothers? In your world yes. In this world.... In both worlds, I guess I should properly introduce myself. Hi, I'm Jack Frost, Guardian of fun, bringer of winter, guardian of childhood, and now as of the past few years protector of Poseidon's children. Nice to officially meet you. Uh huh? Just go ahead and break out.

And he did. Percy what do you remember? IDK this crazy dream, but after what I've just seen I'm thinking it was probably all real. You got that right. So, wait all if it was real? Our mom's gone, you didn't answer that question yet?! I'm sorry man, we tried our best, we're your protectors, but frankly myself I'm just a Jr. protector I don't have my horns yet, and Jack, this isn't his fight. It was a mission given to him as part of his guardian job, when they met your father for the first time.

You mean there's more of you? Yeah, all of us, all those childish fairy-tales that you used to all believe in as kids we're all real. I never said I stopped believing in things like that, but I had no reason too I've grown up without my dad, with just my om taking care of us, a horrible stepdad, my sister getting bullied and being mute of some kind, or if not mute then rarely ever talks, and when she does it's not usually above a whisper, unless she's crying, screaming, or laughing. Have that disability, that both of us have. With everything going on, it was hard to stay a kid, we didn't have much of a choice, but I know my sister defiantly believes in like everything, and I guess with good reason.

When we were healed enough to get up and walk around, Grover walked us outside. So, Percy this is Camp Half-Blood. Farrah, welcome back. Back? You've been here before? Remember, when mom drops me off during the summers? No.... Oh shoot that's right, I used my powers on you to make you forget. Darn. It was always for you're own safety. How did you find out, how come you got to know?

Well, the first time I found out about any of it, let's see. Gabe was trying to hurt you and mom, I screamed, and a loud sonic boom sound rang out. When I found out about the water powers, and the shaping of them, I'd walked by a fountain in school, and the water followed me, and whatever I thought of to create, it did that. I remember wanting the kids and everyone to forget what they saw, so that no one would think I was a freak, and that's when I learned about the hypnotize part, I learned about the healing when, someone at school beat me up, or at home when Gabe hurt me, and I'd placed my hand over my arm to hide my bruise or scar from you, and when I moved my hand it was gone. Some guys tried to drown me in a pool, as they threw me in, and they walked away laughing. 10 seconds later I had a tail and mom was bringing to Camp Half-Blood every summer since then to help me control my powers.

I was given false mist, to keep my tail hidden, and told not to speak above a whisper or my siren voice would shatter glass, and cause destruction. I found out quickly that while in the human world I could control when I would have a tail or not, I only did that around you, and anyone that would've otherwise hurt me or experimented on me. Jack found out by mistake, that's when he told me about his powers, and Grover. I'd met Grover at camp one of my first years. He'd recognized me from us all always hanging out, he couldn't imagine how I'd gotten past the gate.

Wait, what about the dyslexia? That's our disability. We switch letters like as if we have dyslexia, but we take letters in Greek and can switch them back to English. So half? What half? I think you know. Half human half G-D or half human half animal or other. No one that's not immortal or something of some kind gets in, that's how this place keeps secret, how the rest of us keep safe, there's a force field that keeps mortals, and evil spirits and evil monsters out, that's why your mom couldn't come in. Hey whoa watch out.

Look, Percy, remember what Mr. Burner said in class about how sometimes immortals, and G-Ds would come down to Earth and make love with mortals? No way? Yes way! I squealed, grabbing Percy's hand jumping up and down. That's right, you Jackson's are Demi G-Ds. Look you guys aren't alone, some live normal lives, other's are famous, like White House famous. You get what I'm saying.

See Perce look man this is where you harness your powers, and get trained to become heroes, to become legends. Look, I think you've got the wrong guys ok? I'm not a hero. You're my hero. I say grabbing his hand and hugging him close nuzzling up to him. Yeah, maybe, but not the kind these guys are talking about, there's just no way, not possible. Hey Mr. nonbeliever, what more can we do to prove it to you, you've seen it with your own eyes, there's no going back now?!

Snowflake's right. We're all in this together. Please don't start singing, if you're gonna start singing, IDK what I'll do, but t won't end well. Aw Perce, you're no fun besides you love hearing me sing. Yeah, when I get to, you love to sing, but you don't sing a lot. Yeah, and now you know why.

No, you see I'm just a loser, we've got dyslexia and ADHD. That's because those are your guy's gifts, your brains are wired for Greek, not English and that ADHD, Perce, the two of you can't sit still, that's because those are your natural battle reflexes. Look, if either of were losers, which you're not you could've never defeated that monster, you blood, both of your blood is special.

IDK, Grover this is a lot to process. Yeah, a lot, a lot. Soon we approached the battle field, where we'll be doing most of our training. Farrah, Jackson go out there, grab your battle stuff and show Percy how its done. Ok. Ok, look princess, just because your brother's around doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you! Ha, ha you're funny, but like usual YOU will be the one defeated not I.

You think so do you? Care to put your money where your mouth is. Pick your poison! Then, here, your usual Frostbite, and shield, and my precious Nightshade and shield. Yes, we named our swords. We crossed swords, and prepared to fight. For a while I was on the ground, but with a good trip, and I got back up, and he was down, and with my sword pointed to his chest I'd won again. Annabeth, daughter of Athena, was also the battle field again, and as much as our parents hated each other, she'd said I'd grown on her, we were almost like sisters, but that didn't mean she wouldn't try to kill me on the battle filed, our battles always went so long they had to call it a draw, neither of us had ever been defeated.

Dude, that girl would squash you like a bug. Grover was saying. Hey, Annabeth! I called. She'd just finished her last round with someone, and came over to me, she'd wrapped her arm around me in a headlock. How you doin' girl? I'd be better if you weren't choking me. Aw come on girl, you know I'd never really hurt you. What do you say, let's duel it out?! You're on girlie. Hey, uh you just said she could crush ME like a bug, how does Farrah not only know her, but looks like she's friends with her? Friends is an understatement, those two are practically sisters.

They're the best fighters we've got their duels and battles go so long they have to call a draw. Neither have ever gotten defeated. Whoa! Yes, woah is right.

The twins of a water G-DOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz