Explaining Demi G-D camp

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Wait, wait! No, we can't, we're in danger, just keep walking don't trust anybody, we need to get home! Wait, but why did Mr. Burner tell Jack and you to protect me and my sister? Because we're your protectors. Wait, what's a protector, what does that mean?! Exactly that, now stop asking questions, and we need to get home and tell mom.

Let's go Jackson's! At home.... Sally! I need more beer! Gabe was yelling, when we came into the house to get mom's attention. Mom, we really need to talk to you, it's important. Hey, girl shut up! Can't you see she's serving me and my pals here?! Hey, don't talk to my sister that way, and don't talk about our mom like that! One thing lead to another, and I was pushed to the side onto the floor and Percy was pushed up against the wall, with our mom warning Gabe not to.

Percy! I cried. I knew if I dared to get up, I'd be hurt more than I already was, so I stayed on the ground. Then Jack got me up and held me close to him and Grover used his crutches to beat up Gabe, as mom had attacked him too to keep him off Percy. Like I told you, we're your protectors. Yeah, Percy said slowly as if maybe starting to understand, but still hella confused AF.

Sally, the twins have to leave now, like right now, like this very instant now. Grover said. And mom understood. In better circumstances I'd be trilled to go back to camp Half-Blood, but we were in danger. And so we went on our way. I had been preparing us both to leave behind Percy's back, in case we'd ever have to leave, got our stuff, and we got into the car and drove off.

OMG, I'm having mixed feelings whoa, what a rush, I'm getting to go back to camp again, naturally I'd love to go back on less dangerous terms, but oh I'm so excited! Look, what is happening, tell me what's going on?! We promise we didn't steal anything. We believe you, both of you, our mom said, placing a hand on Percy's shoulder. Here's our car, mom driving, Percy next to her, Grover, Jack and I in back.

Where are you taking us, what is this camp? Oh I'm so glad you asked. Farrah, quite! I got warned. Sorry, I whispered. I started talking at a normal volume of voice. It's a camp for really special people, like you and your sister. Special people? He asked. Are we crazy or something? No, we're not crazy, well not the bad kind of crazy, I mean yeah I'm crazy, but the fun kind of crazy.

Percy smirked at that. This is about our father Percy. I told him about the camp and how much fun it was. I told him that, I had water powers and could use them to heal myself, and others, and change my outfits, and create shapes out of it, and unless otherwise I turn into a mermaid when I'm in the water, and have legs on land, and how I have to use a whisper or a normal voice in the "real" world because if like what happened at the museum happens again, I use my voice to shatter glass or can hypnotize people to do things for me.

Have you ever used these powers on me? Hm, the hypnotize part, only when it was necessary, or when we were younger, but you don't remember that because after I'd make you forget it happened, or to heal you, but only while you were asleep. Have you ever had a bruise or a cut or something one min. but in the morning it was all gone? Yeah? Your welcome. But Percy, you can do these things too, you have powers too, and I hope you'll have just as much fun at camp as I do.

So, we drove all night, as mom explained our father's story to Percy. I loved hearing this story, Grover was munching on something in the back, Percy was listening, I was leaning on Jack's shoulder and he was playing with my hair. I tried to listen to the story, but I was so tired. So he abandoned us. No, honey not at all, more like was forced to, he loved you both of you, and he loved me all the same.

Why did he have to leave us? Percy asked. Because he.... Mom, mom, mom! I yelled getting louder and louder. An animal was thrown into the middle of the street blocking our path trying to hit us. Our car flipped over. I was so scared. Percy? Farrah? Are you both ok? Yeah, mom we're fine. Are you? Yeah, yeah. Mom, what is that thing. All of you get out, get out now, mom warned.

What are you doing? He asked Grover. My job! He said taking off his pants to break the window open. You're part donkey? No, I'm part goat! Everyone quickly cover your ears! I warned. I made my siren screech breaking the rest of the glass of the car. We hopped a fence and ran as far and as fast as we could go. When the monster threw the car over our heads, I used my magic to create a force field made of water to turn into a real thing, in order to protect us as the car bounced off of it and landed else where.

Whoa! No time to be impressed we need to go! The camp was written in Greek letters and we had finally made it to Camp Half-Blood. Look, there Percy, the Greek letter sign, we're here, we've made it. Woo hoo! I cried. How can you be happy at a time like this? I'm not, but now we're gonna be safe again, this way! I cried. Home sweet home.

We ran through, but because mom wasn't like us, she couldn't go through, but Percy kept trying. Percy stop, you're gonna hurt her! I cried. We're not leaving without you! We have to, we're destined to. Hurry, you all go, you're safe inside the gate. Mom cried out as we watched the monster kidnap her. Listen, use Burner's pen, use the pen and click it, and Farrah use your siren powers! Stand back!

He pushed it, and it turned into a sword, as he fought it off, they covered their ears, and got back. I let out a powerful ear shattering screech. Our mom disappeared, but I knew she'd be ok. Now it was my turn to protect Percy, he protected me at home, but magic was my specialty, when he got thrown to the side, I was worried for him. Percy get back! No, I'm gonna help you! Get back! You're not safe! Neither are you.... Yeah, but you protect me in the real world, and I'm gonna protect you here in my world!

Percy, stabbed the beast, and I stopped screeching. Percy, started to pass out, and with my own powers drained I did too. Percy! Farrah! Jack came to my side, and Grover my brother's. They carried us into the camp and brought us to the infirmary part, and by then it was morning again. And we were safe and sound.

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